The Cedar and Vernon Co, MO Genealogical Society is motivated to make YOU the owner of the following resources! Each item has been withdrawn from various libraries and contains cataloging and Dewey labels and library stamps. Please email the society with your offer, including consideration for shipping media mail. Thank you!
Vernon County, Missouri
The Walker Herald 1892-1923, 1924-1926, 1927-1931. Extant Issues Transcribed. Walker, Vernon County, Missouri. Transcribed and indexed by Neoma Foreman 2015. 3-Vol set. Each vol. is in a separate 3-ring binder. Like new.
Sheldon, Vernon County, Missouri Cemetery Book 1996. Wilma Lathrop.
Vernon County Missouri 2009 Plat Book. Very good condition.
Three Hundred Years : Historical Highlights of Nevada and Vernon County Missouri. Patrick Brophy.
Scenes from the Past (of Nevada, Missouri) by Betty Sterett, compiled and edited by Donna Logan. Hardback.
1870 Census Vernon County Missouri. Abstracted by Wilma Lathrop. 1987. Soft cover, comb-bound.
Conducting Research
Red Book American State,
County, and Town Sources. Edited by Alice Eicholtz, Ph.D., CG. Published
1989, Revised 1992, Third Edition. Hardcover.
Red Book American State, County and Town Sources. Revised Edition,
1989, 1992. Hardcover. Edited by Alice Eichholz, Ph.D., C.G.
Handy Book for Genealogists. Eighth Edition. 1991. Hardcover. Everton
Publishers, Inc.
SOURCE a Guidebook of American Genealogy. 1997. Hardcover.
Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives. Hardcover.
Building an American Pedigree. Norman E. Wright.
Parkin’s Guide to Tracing Your Family Tree in Missouri. Missouri
State Genealogical Association. 1997
Missouri Resources
Cemetery Directory of Polk County, Missouri. Compiled and Published
by the Historical Society of Polk County, Missouri, Inc., Bolivar, Missouri.
August 1979.
St. Clair County, Missouri 5044 Deaths Reported in and Chronological
Index to Selected Articles from The St. Clair County Democrat 4 Jan 1906 to
25 April 1929. Volume 2. Kenneth E. Weant. January 2002. (2 copies)
St. Clair County, Missouri 3507 Deaths Reported in and Chronological
Index to Selected Articles from The St. Clair County Democrat 5 September
1888 to 14 June 1928. Volume 1. Kenneth E. Weant. September 1999. (2
Cedar County Missouri Marriage Records, Book A 1845-1865. Transcribed
from microfilm copy.
Missouri Genealogical Gleanings 1840 and Beyond, Vol 1. Sherida K.
Missouri Census of 1840 Benton County. Comb bound.
Greene County Missouri Cemeteries. Vol IV, Townships of Franklin and
Jackson. Ozarks Genealogical Society.
Missouri Miscellany Vol. 14 . Mrs. Howard W. Woodruff. Sep 1982.
Missouri Pioneers County and Genealogical Records. Nadine Hodges/Mrs.
Howard Woodruff.
Vol. 5 Vol 7
Vol 8 Vol 10
Vol 11 Vol 13
Vol 15 Vol 16
Vol 17 Vol 18
Vol 21 Vol 23
Vol 24 Vol 26
Vol 27
Other State Resources
The First Puritan Settlers of
Connecticut. Royal R. Hinman.
Pioneers of Massachusetts 1620-1650. Charles Henry Pope.
Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire.
Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, A-J and K-Z (2 Vol. set).
Thomas Bellows Wyman.
North and South Carolina Marriage Records from the Earliest Colonial Days
to the Civil War. William Montgomery Clemens. 1973.
Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England by John
Farmer. Reprinted with Additions and Corrections by Samuel G. Drake. 1983.
An Historical Atlas of Kentucky and Her Counties. Wendell H. Rone,
Death Notices from Kansas Territorial Newspapers 1854-1861. Pub 43.
Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society, Inc., Wichita, KS.
Marriage Notices from Kansas Territorial Newspapers 1854-1861. Pub
44. Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society, Inc., Wichita, KS.
Greene County, Missouri Resources All items in this section
are comb bound; from Archives and Records Center, Springfield, Missouri.
The 1917 Kidnapping of Baby Lloyd Keet.
Wilson-Brim-Daniel Funeral Home Record Aug 18, 1936 – May 28, 1942.
Green Co, MO. (2 copies)
An Index to Naturalization Records in the Greene County Circuit Court.
(3 copies)
A Chronological Listing and Index to Divorce Records in the Green County
Circuit Court. Volume dates:
1837-1899 (4 copies)
1900-1910 (5 copies)
1911-1920 (4 copies)
1929-1935 (2 copies)
1936-1941 (4 copies)
1942-1946 (3 copies)
1947-1950 (4 copies)
An Index to the Register of the Alms House 1875 to 1923.
An Index to the Register of the Alms House 1916-1955. (2 copies)
Index to Hunters Licenses 1905-1919. (2 copies)
An Index to Green County Stray Records. (3 copies)
Index to Coroner’s Record Books of Greene County 1875-1972.
Abstract of Birth and Death Records October 1883 – 1890. (4 copies)
A Guide to the Records of Greene County Courts. (3 copies)
A guide to the Records of the Probate Court. (3 copies + 1 cy in
3-ring binder)
Circuit Court Cumulative Index of Greene County, Missouri Civil &
Criminal Paper Records 1833-1918 Volumes one and two (in one book).
Abstract of Circuit Court Record Books. Individual volume dates:
1840-1845 (3 copies)
1846-1852 (2 copies)
1853-1856 (2 copies)
Feb 1857 – Jun 1860 (2 copies)
Aug 1860 – Dec 1862
Jan 1863-14 Aug 1863
15 Aug 1863 – 11 Jun 1864
17 Jan-end of 1865
Jan Term 1866-Jul Term 1866
Jul Term 1866-Jan Term 1867 (2 copies)
1867 Jul Term (2 copies)
1867 July Term
Index to 1876 Census Greene Co, MO
Marriage Records from Greene County, Missouri Justice of the Peace Books
1840s to 1920s Vol. 2.
Marriage Records from Greene County, Missouri Justice of the Peace Books
1840s to 1920s. (3 copies)
Greene County Courthouses.
Pictorial and Genealogical Record of Greene County Missouri Together with
Biographies of Prominent Men and Other Portions of the State, Both Living
and Dead. (5 copies)
Index to Coroner’s Record Books of Greene County [MO] 1875 – 1972.
The Springfield [MO] City Directory for 1873-74 Containing a Historical
Sketch of the City; a list of all residents; a classified business
directory; street directory; church directory, etc., etc., etc., and
editorial notices of the prominent manufacturers, professional and business
men. (2 copies)
Black Families of the Ozarks, Vol 1. Greene Co, MO.
U.S. Land Sales in Missouri, Springfield Land Office Abstracts 1835-1846.
Miscellaneous Items
Wild Bill : an article from
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1867
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