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1903 map of Osage Township showing locations of towns and populated places along the railroad.  Arthur is three miles south of the Bates County line.


1903 Town map of Arthur, Missouri.



     Arthur. -The village of Arthur, on the Lexington and Southern Railroad (sw. sw. sec. 5, tp. 37-31), in this township, was laid out by Frank P. Anderson, March 30, 1881. Its growth has been slow and it now contains but one store and eight or ten dwelling houses. It is surrounded by a good country, however, and considerable shipping is done from the railroad station.

1887 History of Vernon county, Missouri, page 394.


     The village of Arthur, on the Lexington & Southern railroad, now the Pleasant Hill, Nevada & Joplin line of the Missouri Pacific railway system, in this township, was laid out by Frank P. Anderson, March 30, 1881. It is surrounded by a good country and considerable shipping is done from the railroad station. It is at present a prosperous little town of 100 inhabitants.

1911 History of Vernon County, Missouri, page 658.


     Arthur, located five miles northeast of Metz, can boast of a good school, with T. W. Armstrong as teacher. The Baptists have a good church building here and a growing membership. G. W. McClanahan is the pastor. Arthur is also located on the Missouri Pacific railway. H. H. Gist is the postmaster and he also conducts a general merchandise store.

1911 History of Vernon County, Missouri, page 614.


     ---Geo. Welch, of Metz township, was traded for property at Arthur, where he will open a store and buy and ship grain.

Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 17 February 1887.


W. J. Ward Dead.

     W. J. Ward, postmaster and storekeeper at Arthur, did last night of dysentery, aged about 76 years. He was well and popularly known, and was a member of the Masonic fraternity--belonging to Papinville lodge of the order.

     Mr. Ward leaves a family, who have the sympathy of the large circle of friends in their bereavement.

     The funeral takes place tomorrow. The services will probably be in charge of Rev. W. B. Chancellor. Interment in Balltown cemetery.

Rich Hill Mining Review, Rich Hill, Missouri; Thursday 24 September 1903.




     Fire destroyed the store building and stock of merchandise of James Weddle and Mrs. D: A. Gist at Arthur at 2:30 o'clock last Friday morning. The post office was located in the building. When discovered the flames had gained such headway that no one dared enter the building. The flames, then spread to Wm. Musgrove's residence. just south of the store, and it was destroyed, together with most of the contents. Mrs. Lola Wilson's residence was next to catch fire and it, too went up in flames, but most of the household goods was saved. Other houses and barns in the village caught fire from sparks but were extinguished with little damage.

     The store building, stock of goods and two residences were insured.

Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; Friday 5 Sep 1913.


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