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Surnames: Thompson, Blackmore
Date: August 23, 2007
I'm trying find out the biological surnames of three children who rode the orphan train to Eldorado Springs,Missouri. I don't know the year. It's also possible that they later lived in Eldorado Kansas. A Doctor Thompson,a pharmacist, adopted them. I believe there were two boys and one girl. Doctor Thompson didn't want to separate them so he adopted all three and gave them his surname. Later one of the boys married and had a son named William Benjamin Thompson. I don't know his wife's name. He was b: abt. 1910, who married a girl named Fay Blackmore. They later had a son named Lawrence Roy Thompson b: abt 1942/44. He married Carolyn Sue Jackson,b: 8-11-1944 The Thompson family also lived in Plainville Kansas. Lawrence and Carolyn's children were born there. William Benjamin Thompson may have had a brother named Lawrence.
Submitter: Eldon W Chapman
Date: July 23, 2007
Seeking additional information about Nathaniel R, William "Bill", and Robert Marchbanks. Robert was my wife's Grandfather. We have the following information from the "War of the Rebellion" about Captain Bill Marchbanks.
William Marchbanks harassed the Union Army in the MO. - AR. area fighting what we now call guerilla warfare. The Union Generals referred to he and his band of 40 to 5O men as bushwhackers. Following are copies or summaries of actual correspondence between Union officers concerning Marchbanks.
Apr 21, 1863 Carthage-Jasper County MO MAJ. JAMES H. STEGER. Assistant Adjutant General In this letter he discussed an exchange of prisoners. He then states: It is reported to me on yesterday by Major Morgan, of the Enrolled Missouri Militia stationed at Avilla, between here and Greenfield, that 150 men of Col., B. G. Parker's regiment had passed there going north, they were under command of Captain Marchbanks. I ordered them to send word immediately to Colonel Phillips at Greenfied.
T. T. CRITTENDEN Lieutenant Colonel Seventh Cavalry, Missouri State Miltia Ref: Ser 2, Vol. 5 p May 8, 1863 Marchbanks was spotted in Bates County, MO on Double Branch with about 20 men. He was in command along with a man named Jakeman. They also state that Quantrill was there but slipped away to Henry County. August 2, 1863 Maj. Alex W. Mullins of the 1st MO. State Militia Cavalry reports that Marchbanks and Handcock, with their bands have retired south of the Osage and of Bates County, and between Osage and Grand Rivers. He said we routed the "bushwhackers in short order, but did not succeed in killing a single one. He concludes his report by saying, "Owing to great fatigue, caused by hard riding and excessive hot weather, I am scarcely able to write this morning. August 16, 1863, Station Taberville, MO. General EWING, COMMANDING DISTRICT OF THE BORDER, KANSAS CITY, MO: Sir: I received information last night from the citizens near Germantown that Marchbanks was in that neighborhood with from 40 to 50 men, threatening to devastate that country, and that he had burned one house near that place on last Wednesday night. They go on to discuss sending troops to help. Ref: Ser 1, Vol 22, Part 2, and p 455. September 22, 1863 A Capt. Morris of Company A; First MO State Militia Cav reports that on the 22d he captured 18 horses and equipment, 18 guns, their camp equipment and Marchbanks private papers. Thinks none were killed. September 27, 1863 He was still in Bates County MO and according to some women "Marchbanks, with 40 men, passed up on to Grand River yesterday". The Union army burned the town or Butler and told the families to leave. They considered them to be southern supporters. Ref.: p 680October 15, 1863, Sedaiia. MO. Report to Major General Schofield (portion): I am informed that Jackman, Marchbanks, Quantrill are in the border counties, and will endeavor to form a junction at some point south of the Osage. Col Phillips dispatches that the enemy is running like wild hogs, and that he has captured all their train and ambulances, and two wagon loads of ammunition." E. B. Brown Brigadier General
December 7, 1863 Saint Louis, MO. In a letter to General Fred Steele Maj. J. M. Schofield said "I have heard nothing further of Banks movements, except newspaper reports, which indicate that Franklin has returned down the river. If this is true, it will, of course, force you to remain on the Arkansas." He goes on to say he knows of no authority to conscript Negro troops but that the administration wishes to have as many as will volunteer join the army. Ref: p 733, Sr. 1, Vol. 22, Part 2
May 3, 1864, Pleasant Hill, MO Gen. Brown, Warrensburg The following dispatch was just received from Captain Kingsbury of Johnstown, Dated May 3: It is reported that Marchbanks is near Pleasant Gap with a force of 60 to 100 men. I start immediately to that point with all the force that can be spared. I am promised some men from Germantown F. P. ELMER Captain, Commanding Station
July 6, 1864 In a letter from Col Chas. W. Blair from Fort Scott, Kans to Gen t. J. McKean says that a small force of bushwhackers were feeling Captain Carpenters pickets last night at Ball Town, twenty-two miles northeast of here. The guard fired on them, but they got off. Marchbanks is in that neighborhood gathering up recruits for the rebel army. Henry Taylor has about 200 men recruited, scattered in small bands, living mostly on Clear Creek and in the Montevallor Country. It is reported by the rebels that Shelby and Jackman are in Northern Arkansas, but that they are not intending to come farther north; that they have ordered all these bushwhackers in Missouri to report to them to enter the rebel arm under penaltyu of being held as traitors and outlaws.
July 8, 1864 Gen. E. B. Brown, Warrensburt, MO. General Curtis reports from Fort Scott, 200 recruits under Tayulor and Marchbanks scattered on Clear Creek. Parkville was taken yesterday by the bushwhackers. We must quietly and thoroughly prepare for movement. Hasten action on order 107, and keep me posted as to results. W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj. Gen July 12, 1864, Mound City Col C. W. Blair Last night at 8 O'clock twenty guerrillas entered Barnesville. The citizens offered stubborn resistance, and the guerrillas left in an hour. ONe of my scouts brought me news this morning that Marchbanks stopped night before last at a Mr. Davis, four miles this side of Balls Mills. This is Marchbanks first appearance this season. MOONLIGHT, Colonel August 1, 1864, Mount Vernon, MO. ADJUTANT: In pursuance of orders from these headquarters Captain Sutherland, together with Captains Roberts and Ritchey, with eighty men, made a scout in the direction of Baxter Springs. In about ten miles of the springs theyh came oupon Captains Taylor and Marchbanks with about thirty men. After a few shots they completely routed the enemy, killing some 5 or 6 and wounding several others. After pursuing them some ten or twelve miles south, making no farther discovery, they returned without any loss on our part. Very respectfully, your obedient servant JOHN D. ALLEN, Col, Com. 7th Prov. Regt. Enrolled MO, Militia March 10 ,1865 Fort Scott, Kansas HENRY M. ATINSON. Deputy Provost Marshal,, Brownsville Nebr. Ter: The two young Marchbanks are the worst sort or bushwackers, the old man is not. Bill Marchbanks is as bad as Quantrill. The others I suspect, belong to some band under other names. Please arrest all but the old man, and if posssible send here. Descriptions sent by mail. Iron them heavily, as no guard house will hold them. CHAS. W. BLAIR, Colonel Fourteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, Commanding Ref: p 1143 Series 1, Vol 48, War of the Rebellion Ref: p 188.The 1880 Census shows that William and family lived in Lamar County, probably Paris, TX in 1880. He came from Missouri and was married in 1860. The Lamar County History shows that he was elected County Commissioner in 1896 and again in 1898. (Ref. The History of Lamar County by A. W, Neville, Page 211) He would have been 28 in 1862 was the Captian Bill Marchbanks that led a group of confederate soldiers against the Union forces in Missouri and AR. See details of his adventures as recorded in the official records of the civil war. In the "Confederate Veteran XIX, call no E 482, C 743 1986, p 436 there is an article about what happened to Col Sidney Jackson. It says he settled in TX after the war and ends with a sentence saying Capt. William Marchbanks of Paris, TX served under Colonel Jackson. The same reference on page 436 records a letter from D. A. Embree of Marceline, Mo. saying he would like to hear from other confederate prisoners who were held at Sedalia, MO. He said he would especially like to hear from Captain Marchbanks. The writer was 70 years old on 12/25/1911 and had never recovered from injuries received in the Sedalia prison. Marchbanks, William, b. 24 Aug 1833, d. 5 Feb 1912, buried in H-19NW-02 section of Evergreen Cemetery Capt., Co. B, 16th Missouri Regiment. Source Lamar Co TX Gen Web site.
Submitter: Eldon E. Lawson
Date: July 22, 2007
James Lawson b. 24 Aug 1852 Rockcastle Co. KY. then grew up in Jackson Co. IN came to Vernon Co. Nov. 1888 with wife Rachel (Weddle). They moved north to Nodaway Co. MO in Feb. 1889, near Maryville. James was a farmer. He died 27 Oct 1894. He is older brother of my gr.f. Abijah Lawson. James probably had a relative of he or Rachel, or a friend that helped him in that winter of 1888-89. My search is for the family of James' father, John Lawson. James was 2d of John's eight children with wife Nancy Durham. Have never found John's parents despite searching for decades. John d. 9 June 1899 in Jackson Co IN. I have had great success with other family searches, so have tried all sources of data. Nancy Durham was 9th of ten children of Joseph Durahm and Nancy Chastain. Most siblings also moved to Jackson Co IN from Rockcastle Co KY, but unsure of all their names. I would like for information of possible connections with James and Rachel who might have come to Vernon Co from IN or KY. Please contact me. Will pay for time.