Vernon County Queries Helpful clues regarding ancestors can sometimes be found in old query posts although the email address may no longer be valid. Use the search function of your computer (ctrl + F) to then search for the surname on this page. Close this window to return to the Queries page.
Submitter: Priscilla Shaw (
Date: 07 Apr 2000
Looking for descentants and burial place of Walter and Rosa Lee "Ella" (Allison)KIRK. They are buried in or near Nevada MO. Rosa Lee or Ella as she was called, born 20 Jan 1893 Henry Co MO, died 15 Jan 1976. I don't know when Walter died. Walter and Rosa (or Ella) had four children Marion, Marvin, twin girls Glendena and Blendena Walter may have been a minister of a local church. Maybe an Obit could also be found for them. Thank you so much. Please contact Priscilla Shaw at
Surnames: WILHOIT
Submitter: Randy Wilhoit
Date: 11 Apr 2000
Looking for information on Daniel Wilhoit/WIllhoit (wife Mary Jane, son Leroy) who lived in Vernon County in 1890 and 1900 and possibly longer. Would love to correspond with other researchers or descendents. Daniel is my GGGGrandfather.
Submitter: Glenda Lamka
Date: 13 Apr 2000
I am looking for information on the families of William Mattox 1868-1959 m. Evalina (Fannie) Price 1874-1934 married in Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri 14 April 1888. Fannie Price had two sisters, Molly Price m. Ira Hart, and Annie Price m. M Chew, brother named Robert. William Mattox's father was named John Mattox. Please contact me if you have any information regarding these families. These are the parents of my Grandmother, Betty (Octava Mattox).
Submitter: Susan I. Nelson
Date: 22 Apr 2000
Alexander McFARLAND (b. 1847 MO)(full name believed to be William Alexander Bradford Tipton McFARLAND) married Susan HOWARD (b. 1853 MO). Found on 1880 Vernon County MO census with children (1) Edgar, age 11; (2) Francis, age 8; (3) Mary E., age 6; (4) Sarah E., age 4; and (5) Westley, age 1. Also living in the household, Susan's mother, Mary F. HOWARD, age 63.
Seeking parents and siblings of Alexander and Mary.
Submitter: Kattiey Harris
Date: 23 Apr 2000
I am looking for the realtives of George M LAMKIN (LAMPKINS) and Mary E HANDLEY (m. 25 JAN 1855 in Bond County, IL) Their eldest 2 children were born in Pocahontas, Bond Co., IL but were married in Sheldon, Vernon Co., MO. I have found them in 1880 Vernon Co., MO Census as residing in the community of Dover.
Any connections???
Feel free to email me at H&
Surnames: SMITH MOON
Submitter: David Barton
Date: 27 Apr 2000
SMITH/MOON. I am looking for any information someone might have on William Franklin Smith (b. 1860, IL) and Mary W. Moon (b. 1863, KS). They were married on Jan 25, 1882 in Nevada, Vernon, MO.
Submitter: Glenda Lamka
Date: 30 Apr 2000
I have been looking for information on my ggGrandfather JOHN PRICE, a Christian Minister in the State of Missouri. I have found some information on the LIBERTY Christian Church in Montgomery County. Would anyone know of other early Christian Churches in Missouri? I have 4 children for John PRICE (spouse?); Molly, Evalina (Fannie), Annie, and Robert. I descend from Evalina, b. 1834; m. William George MATTOX in Nevada, VERNON County, MO. 14 April 1888. I do not know Evalina's place of birth other than MO. My Grandmother Octava "Betty" Mattox, never knew her grandfathers. She is the last living child of this family at the age of 91. John PRICE would have been a minister for the Christain Church mid 1800's. My Grandmother told me her grandfather's fought on different sides in the Civil War. Any information, even clues regarding these families or information on the Christian Churches in this area would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to email me at
Glenda / Houston, Texas
Submitter: barry nies
Date: 02 May 2000
Seeking information on the family of G.W. Phillips,b.1847, married to Martha Bailey,b.1850,living in Schell City,Vernon Co.MO in 1880. Their children: Hattie, b.1873, Jesa Bell,b.1875, George Washington,b.1878, Pearl,b.1879, and my grandmother, Bertha, b.1888.
Surnames: CHEEK
Submitter: Roger E. Cheek
Date: 04 May 2000
I am looking for info on Robert Roger Cheek b 12/11/1825 d. 5/11/1871 m. Elizabeth LNU Children born in Vernon Co: William Shadrack b.2/2/1849 d 2\25\1941; Sarah C. b 4/8/1853; James Frank b 3/20/1856; Rose B. b9/5/1862; Mary (Mollie) E. b 9/11/1868; Laura J. b6/11/1869. William Shadrack was my grandfather and I'm looking for info on his father Robert Roger and Robert's father, possibly a Shadrack Cheek or from an old notation an Isiah Cheek who married a Caroline Nichol c Bertha and Charlie, or perhaps Isiah was a brother of Robert Roger. Other brothers of Robert Roger are thought to be John who settled in Garland Mo, Herbert who played in some ball club in St. Louis, Frank Cheek at Slitsville? Il or Mo. Most of this is from an old journal of Edith Tinlin Cheek wife of William Shadrack. Will appreciate any info. Roger Cheek
Submitter: Marilyn Kropp Richardson
Date: 08 May 2000
Interested in Snow, Teel and Preston families that lived in Vernon County in the 1850's and '60's. David Snow m. Sarah Sutton in Ray Co. and then Elizabeth Teel, dau. of David Teel and Mary McCartney about 1853 in Vernon Co.
Submitter: Robert E. Powell
Date: 09 May 2000
Looking for help in finding lead to the Samuel OZENBERGER-Caroline FISHER family. Were listed in the 1900 Census of Vernon County, Clearcreek Twp.: Samuel, Caroline, Albert, Louise, Matilda, Bertha, Minna, Oscar W., Samuel J. Jr., and Barbara C. OZENBERGER. Is there a genealogy organization? Anything would be helpful. Thanks. Robert E. Powell, 300 West Pearl St., Savannah, MO. 64485. Will exchange information.
Date: 09 May 2000
i'm looking for John Clendenin ans Alexander Clendenin his father.John was born 7 Dec 1818in Orange Co. NC and died 28 Nov. 1862. He married Mary Neal on 5 Nov. 1838 in Scott Co. Va. They moved to 1852. They had 9 children, NancyAnn, Hezekiah P., Elizabeth, Mary Emaline, John, Amanda Jane ( my greatgrandmother), Ester A., Lorina F., William Calvin. They all lived and died there except the youngest and William when to Ok.
Alexander was born 1788 in Orange Co. Nc and died
? in Vernon Co. Mo.? He married Mary C. Freshwater in Orange Co. NC on 10 Sept 1811.They had 8 children. The first 5 was born in Orange Co. Nc and the last three were born in Scott Co. Va. They were Thadeus, John, Joseph S. Sarah E., Mary Adeline, Hairiett, William and Rebecca.
I will be happy to exchange info with anyone that
has info on these familys.
Surnames: THURMAN
Submitter: Deborah Thurman Parks
Date: 14 May 2000
In the 1880 Vernon Co census, there is a Berry Thurman Jr. listed as age 60, birthplace Virginia. His wife's name was Martha F. Thurman and they had the following children in 1880:
Mary V., Charley, Thomas, and Hartley. All children were listed as being born in KY. Any help with this family would be appreciated.
Surnames: MOORE
Submitter: Leroy G. Coe
Date: 22 May 2000
Looking for a Sammuel J. Moore Dob 1868,Died 1936 in Vernon County.I understand the Sammuel is the correct first and is spelled with two M's.Thank you for your time and effort!
Surnames: SIMMONS
Submitter: Mike Coon
Date: 28 May 2000
I am searching for information about Amos Simmons who died in the Montevallo area on May 9, 1874.
He moved there from Ames, Iowa, where I live.
Submitter: Wanda Cole
Date: 28 May 2000
I'm hunting for any information on a ANNA HAMILTON (nee GRAHAM) who lived in STOTESBURY, Vernon County in July 1901. She stated in correspondence of June 1902 that she had "lost my little daughter".
Also hunting for an EMMA WARD (nee GRAHAM) that lived in STOTESBURY at least from March to July 1901. EMMA WARD had custody of her brother & sister TERESA GRAHAM & EMANUEL GRAHAM--two small siblings that lived with EMMA after their mother
MARIAH GRAHAM died (before 1897).
Any information appreciated.
Surnames: HARDEE
Submitter: James Stafford
Date: 31 May 2000
Looking for information concerning Nancy Jane Hardee. She is said to have died in Nevada on 25 Apr 1904. Her husband, Ezra P. Hardee moved to Hopkins, Nodaway, Missouri and is buried there. If anyone knows where her grave is I would appreciate hearing from you.
Submitter: Pam Liebelt
Date: 01 Jun 2000
I am trying to gather information on Granville BOWEN and spouse Mary ARCHER. The LDS site lists their first child Augustus Bowen born 1861 as being born in Vernon County. I would like to share any information on this family.
Surnames: RAWLINGS
Submitter: Vicki Patterson
Date: 05 Jun 2000
Looking for a Guy Rawlings.
Submitter: Joan Hanlon
Date: 07 Jun 2000
Searching for Ameliea Milburn Olive, who in 1925 was living in Arthur, MO. She was the sister of my g-g-grandfather, Joseph Sylvester Milburn. She is mentioned in his obituary. Joseph died in Appanoose County, Iowa. Am willing to share all information on my branch of the famiy.
Thank you
Joan Hanlon
Submitter: Linda Stipes
Date: 07 Jun 2000
Christmann, Hudson, Newell
I am looking for info on Christmann m. Hudson, dau of Clarinda Jane Newell and Jesse Henry Hudson. He died in MO and the others are in and around Yale, OK.
Surnames: BREEDING
Submitter: Judith Chambers
Date: 11 Jun 2000
Looking for information on Martha Ellen Snell BREEDING who lived in Nevada, Vernon Co. from 1901(?) to 1905. Her children John Jones and Love May died and are buried there. John died in 1903 and Love in 1904.
Any information about this family would be greatly appreciated.
Submitter: Marilyn McGuire
Date: 11 Jun 2000
I am looking for any information on Drapers who lived in Nevada, Vernon co, about 1875. The only name I have is Sylvia Josephine Draper b: 1876. I am looking for her parents and any siblings. Thanks.
Surnames: HALL
Submitter: JoLene Hall
Date: 13 Jun 2000
We are trying to find William Charles Srewart Hall
he was born about 1823 in Virginia, Fulton Missouri died 1903 in Nevada, Vernon, Missouri.
We have no idea who his parents are.
Any help would be more then appreciated.
thank You
Jolene hall
Surnames: MEREDITH
Submitter: Joni Meredith
Date: 22 Jun 2000
Looking for any information of Charles J. Meredith b. April 15, 1881 in Emden, Logan County, ILL married Jessie ?? on Feb 28, 1904 in Nevada, Vernon County, MO. Charles and Jessie both died in Washougal, Clark County, WA
Surnames: MEREDITH
Submitter: Joni Meredith
Date: 26 Jun 2000
Looking for any information on the marriage of Charles J. Meredith and Jesse ?? on Feb 28, 1904
in Nevada, Vernon county, MO
Submitter: Kelly Carnes
Date: 27 Jun 2000
My sister and I have recently found out that our great grandfather's name was Clyde Smith Craig and he was born in Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri around 1887. We think his mother's name was Maude (maiden surname unknown but she remarried a Parham after Mr. Craig had died) and we do not know his father's name. Clyde later married Marie Louis Johnson. We do know that Clyde had 4 other brothers and / or sister and that only 2 of them were still alive in 1920. We have no idea what their names are. If anyone has any information on this Criag family please contact me. Thank you.
Submitter: Jac McMahon
Date: 28 Jun 2000
Looking for MARY ANN SOUTHERN MCMAHON b/1826 VA. and her daughter, ELIZABETH,[b/1844 Cedar, Iowa.] They lived in Barton CO.MO in 1860..Did Elizabeth marry someone from Vernon CO.? The border lines are not far from where their farm was...they lived near the Bluff Church & Cemetery just over in Barton Co. ELIZABETH'S brother JAMES H.MCMAHON married EMMA WILLIAMS,[b/1852] in Labette,KA.1881 and the other brother,LEWIS[LUKE]E.MCMAHON married FANNIE DILLON OF VA,in Lamar,Barton CO.1889.
Does anyone have the cemetery listings for Vernon County that they could do a look up?
contact: *Please put "Vernon County" in the subject line.
Submitter: J Broussard
Date: 28 Jun 2000
Ella ROYCE (ROYSE) married John R. COCKE in Speedwell, Mo. They moved to Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri. Their son, Robert John COCKE, moved there as an adult and died in Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri. Does anybody have any information about him?