Vernon County Queries  Helpful clues regarding ancestors can sometimes be found in old query posts although the email address may no longer be valid. Use the search function of your computer (ctrl + F) to then search for the surname on this page.  Close this window to return to the Queries page.

245 Surnames: LAWSON DAVIS
Rose Mary Lawson Fri Oct 2 1998

Looking for place of burial of James Wesley Davis died 12-27-1886 near Montivella, MO. James, wife Mary and married sons George and family and William and family moved to Vernon Co., in mid 1880's After James death George and his family and mother Mary returned to Chariton Co., MO where she died 7-14-1889. Where is James buried. Did he have other family in in this asrea?

246 Surnames: WATKINS
George C. Watkins Wed Oct 7 1998

James M. Watkins & wife Nancy Elizabeth [Corley] Watkins moved from Illinois to Vernon County, Mo. between 1863 & 1866 and lived out their lives in Virgil, Vernon County and are buried in Clintonville Cemetery near ElDorado Springs. James M. Watkins lies in an unmarked grave beside his wife "Lizzie" as she was called. Three of their small childrn are also buried in the family plot; Alwinda, Eddie & Elizabeth these children were all under the age of 2 years when they passed away.
James M. Watkins b.23 Oct 1839 West Virginia, d. 24 Jan 1927 Virgil, Vernon Co, Mo. Nancy Elizabeth Corley Watkins b. 9 May 1841 Kentucky the dau. of Plez Corley d. 11 April 1914, Virgil, Vernon Co. Mo. Their childrn are as follows, in the order of birth: George William b.1861, Reuben Thomas b. 1863, Elisha Morrison b.1866, Sarah Jane b. 1867, James Allen, b. 1870, Susan Catherine b. 1872, Albert Francis b. 1875, Alwinda b. 1878, Eddie b. 1881, Elizabeth b.1882.
I would like to contact any descendants of this family to exchange further information. Elisha Morrison Watkins moved to California with his wife Rachel Troyer Watkins and 8 of their 9 children who were all born in Missouri. This family arrived in California in 1908 and settled in Selma, Fresno County, California
Elisha & Rachel are my grandparents - I am George C. Watkins, 12 Circle Drive, Lovell, Wyoming 82431

Lynne Folks Steinfeld Thu Oct 8 1998

I am looking for information on the FOLKS family. The family had 6 brothers, John, Richard, Morgan, Peter, Fred and Lacey. I need information about their parents(Dad was born in Georgia, Mom in New York). I believe they moved from Ohio before 1850. About 1850 John(about 15) and Richard(about 12) ran away from home and went west in a wagon train. Only John, Richard, and Morgan lived to old age. Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated.

Tom Cadell Mon Oct 12 1998

From approximately 1868 through 1876 my great grandfather, ALEXANDER
BELL, and his wife, MARY JANE (DAVES) BELL, and children lived in
Moundsville, Vernon Co., MO.  ALEXANDER was born in 1836 in Jo Daviess
County, IL.  MARY JANE (DAVES) BELL was born in Jo Daviess Co. IL in
1846.  At least one daughter, Burdie, was born to the family while they
lived in Moundsville.  It is also possible that my grandmother was born
in Moundsville, but that is debatable.

The family consisted of:

Alexander Bell,	b. 1836
Mary J.		b. 1846
Franklin	b. 1865
Lucy		b. 1867
Evalina		b. 1869
Laura M.	b. 1873
Burdie		b. 1876

The family returned to Illinois and took up residence in Henderson Co.

249 Surnames: ALLPRESS
Robert Allpress Mon Oct 12 1998

I am looking for any information regarding my GGfather William Henry ALLPRESS and family, who resided in Nevada, Vernon Co., MO about 1880-1885. I am also looking for his daughter Julia (ALLPRESS) ROBERTS who may have moved back to the Nevada area in the 1920's with her husband, Marion ROBERTS, and their two children.

250 Surnames: GRUMMONS OLIVE
Bill & Jeanette Grummons Tue Oct 13 1998

I have information that John GRUMMONS, died in Vernon County Missouri, and is buried in Balltown (Little Osage) Cemetery. He was listed as a Calvary soldier with the 3rd Wisconsin Calvery, Co "A." I have not been able to determine if John died in battle or if he returned there after the war. In Nevada, Missouri, Levi GRUMMONS became the father of Clyde Wesley GRUMMONS, 20 July 1899, Gilbert B. GRUMMONS, of whom I have no date of birth, but he died beneath the wheels of an M. K. & T., freight at Pittsburg, KS January 29-30, 1906. There may also have been an uncle or elder son of Isaac from Nevada, born about 1872, by name of Wesley L. GRUMMONS. Wesley was married to Flora OLIVE b. 30 January 1970 and died 22 December 1901 in Idaho State. These people have become my brickwall. Any information wold be appreciated.

Renee McCoy Sun Oct 18 1998

I'm searching for any information on L.B. McCoy who was married to Clara Williams. They had one son Clarence Frederick McCoy. Son went by the name of Fred McCoy,and lived in Schell City. Also looking for information on John William Vaughn and his son, Wesley Marvin Vaughn who was married to Susie Ellen Reynolds.Wesley was born, Sept.3,1881 in St. Clair county. Susie was born January 7, 1886 in St.Clair county also. Please help at a dead end. Renee

252 Surnames: FOOTE WILSON
Michael Foote Sun Oct 18 1998

I am looking for information on Zachariah Wilson (My Great-greatgrandfather). He is burried in the Balltown cemetry near Horton and I assume that he resided in Vernon County for at least part of his life. He was married to Mary Elizabeth Permenter and they had 7 children. Any information would be appreciated.
Michael Foote
601 N 6th Ave. Yakima, WA, 98902

253 Surnames: KNAUB DAWSON
zela dawson knaub Wed Oct 21 1998

looking for lafayette brock who was in the civil war. later family was settled in vernon county in nevada. ida mae brock married william dawson who died in 1901. i had his discharge paper but it was lost by movers. my grandmother was ida brock dawson.

Stephanie Sat Oct 24 1998

I'm researching the PRYOR's, I have quite a bit of information that was passed down to me from my grandfather...and living in Vernon Co, for the first 20 yrs of my life has helped. I however still have many gaps. Any info would be appreciated, on the Pryor's or related include Welch, Bartlett,Quay and any others that you might have. I would be more than willing to share any info that I have.


255 Surnames: WATKINS HARRIS
George C. Watkins Sun Oct 25 1998

Reuben Thomas Watkins and wife Permi Allen Harris lived in Vernon county and Cedar counties. Reuben "Thomas" was know as Tom Watkins or Thomas Watkins. He was the son of James M. Watkins and Nancy Elizabeth [Corley] Watkins. He was born in Illinois in 1863 and moved to Virgil, Vernon Co., Mo. soon after his birth and lived in Mo. the remainder of his life as far as I know. Tom & Permi had children. If you have information on this couple please contact George C. Watkins, 12 Circle Drive, Lovell, Wyoming 82431 or at I lots of Watkins information and am willing to share.

256 Surnames: STANTON BAUGH
Michael Stanton Sun Oct 25 1998

I have very sketchy information that my grandmother Mary Baugh and her family resided in Nevada, Vernon Co. Missouri. My grandmother's sister Nellie was born there in 5/20/1885. Parents John and Elizabeth. There were 7 children in the family. I am interested in any clues. Thank you.

Kay (Alloway) Shields Wed Oct 28 1998

I am looking for information on George Cleveland HOPE that married Ella BAUGH, they had 5 children: Daniel William b. 9-25-1903 in Vernon County, Mo.; Nellie, George, Leland and Irene which married a DUNN. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Kay (Alloway) Shields
1205 So. 32nd St.
Parsons, Kansas 67357-4605

Brenda Thu Oct 29 1998

Obit from Joplin Globe, Tuesday March 20,1951--------------- Webb City, Mo., March 19--- Mrs Angiline Anna KING, 91 years old, a resident of Webb City 15 years, died at 9:15 o'clock tonight at her home, 310 North Hall street. She formerly resided at Carthage and was a member of the Christian church at Carthage. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Odie R. CUNNINGHAM and Mrs. Nora Mae WARREN, both of Webb City; a son, Bertie E. CLUB of Nevada, Mo.; 10 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Hedge-Lewis funeral home. This is my ggrandmother, from her son Bert E. (aka Burt I., and also first & middle names reversed) CLUBB (misspelled above)b. Nov. 04, 1895 in Carthage, Bert E.'s father was Bert Marion Clubb. I know nothing more, than what is above, factually about Angiline. My mother has told me stories that Angiline claimed to be a seer, able to predict deaths particularly, including her own. If that was the case, I wish she'd have seen the trouble I would have locating information on her, and would have left a better trail! ha-ha! Any information on any of the people listed above would be greatly welcomed!
Piecing Together Pictures of the Past as a Gift to the Future.
Happy Hunting!

259 Surnames: WICKENHAGEN
Devin Wickenhagen Fri Oct 30 1998

I looking for any information about Wickenhagens living in Vernon County between 1880 and 1940. I am particularly interested in any information about a Amos or Emil Wickenhagen who emigrated from Germany to the area by way of Pennsylvania sometime after 1880.

260 Surnames: STANTON BAUGH
Michael Stanton Sat Oct 31 1998

John and Elizabeth Baugh lived in Vernon County MO or at least their daughter Nellie was born there on 5/20/1885. Am seeking any information on the family.

Clyde Gotcher Sun Nov 1 1998

I am looking for information on Evan Lipe who came to Vernon Co. abt 1840 with wife Lucinda. Children born in Vernon Co. include Emily Lipe, abt 1841 Besanda Lipe abt 1847 Elizabeth Lipe abt 1850 Louisa Lipe abt 1854 Sophronia Lipe abt 1855 Jame E. Lipe abt 1857 John Lipe abt 1860 Emily Lipe married John Grimsby and is buried in the Grimsby Cemetery. I am looking for the buriel site of Evan and Lucinda and any information on their children and their descendants. Thanks. ***HAVE A GOOD DAY***

262 Surnames: RHEA HELM
Genia Helm Rhea Wed November 4 1998

I'm looking for information on James Walter Helm 1836-1918 married Mary B (Patton) Helm 1842-1921 buried in Pankey Cemetery, Linn Co. I was told they came to the US from Germany right before the Civil War. There were 13 children. Three of the children moved to Missouri. I haven't been able to confirm this information yet. They lived in Cedar Co., Missouri. I'm not sure how many children they had. I know they had a son named Jim W. Helm. He married Bertha C. (Jones) Helm. Jim lived in Nevada, Vernon Co., MO. I don't know the exact dates. He lived there until he went into a nursing home at El Dorado Springs, MO. Jim and Bertha are buried in the Stockton Cemetery. They had three children: Elton, Velma (Helm) Vardeman, and James Robert Helm. James married Eula Mae Helm. They moved from El Dorado Springs to Kansas City around 1947. They had two children: Curtis Leon Helm Sr. and Carroll Dean (Helm) Carlton. Curtis had two children. Curtis Leon Helm, Jr. and Rogenia Delayne (Helm) Rhea. Any information you can give me on the Helm's would be greatly appreciated.

John Bailey Fri November 13 1998

I am trying to join the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and while my Howell ancestor was a Vernon County bushwhacker I have no written evidence, only a pistol and stories handed down. I understand that the Mayfields were cousins to the Howells and I was also told that one of the Moores died in the war, so I am trying to establish a connection through them. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
Sincerely, John Bailey
P.O.Box 1484 St. Marys, GA 31558

264 Surnames: JUNKINS AMICK
Phillip F Junkins Sat November 14 1998

The Amick's that are in Howard County, MO., I know, but don't know if the E. E. Amick in Nevada, MO. is the same branch. I have a very large database of Amick's that I am willing to share with anyone searching that name of branches of this family.
Phillip F Junkins
4869 E Springersville Rd
Brownsville, Indiana 47325-9218

Jodi L. Nielson Sun November 15 1998

Surnames: HARLAN and COOPER

My grandmother, Helen Margaret COOPER was born in Eldorada Springs, Vernon Cty, MO in 1908. Her parents were John Homer Cooper and Flora Lenore Harlan. I have been told by my great uncle that they were in MO because Flora's parents lived there. I am seeking information on these individuals. Flora's parents were Jacob HARLAN and Sarah ? (possibly FARLOW) John and Flora were married in Iowa, moved to MO and then back to Garner, Hancock Cty, Iowa shortly thereafter, where they owned and operated a boarding house. Any information on Jacob and Sarah Harlan would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

266 Surnames: SHIELDS HOPE
Kay Shields Wed November 18 1998

I am looking for information on George Cleveland Hope b. in 1883. Also information about Ida Ophelia Kelley and her husband George Cleveland Hope b. ?

Janet Willett Sun November 22 1998

Samson and Adah MOSER lived in Badger Twp. west of Bristow from 1908 -1934. At the time of Samson`s death in 1934, Adah`s daughter Donna STEWART and husband unknown Stewart were also living there. I would like to cantact any descendants of this fimily. Samson was my Ggrandfather. He was a member of the Marvin Chapel church. Was that church in Missouri ? He was buried at Spring Hill KS.

268 Surnames: COY NORRIS DOOD
Marla A Coy Sun November 22 1998

Thomas B. Norris and Mary Ellen Dood were married the 6th of Feb 1884 in Vernon Co. Mo. An interested in any DODD and NORRIS info.

Submitter: Rette Bidstrup (
Date: 29 Nov 1998

Am looking for information on David Clinton who was married to Jane Butler. Their son, James Butler Clinton was born August 5, 1849, in Indiana. Sometime after 1851 David and Jane moved to Vernon County, Missouri, where they both died. Any information would be helpful. Thanks.
Submitter: Luke Lucas (
Date: 30 Nov 1998

Grandfather, William S. Lucas. parents supposed to have owned a store in Nevada, during late 1800's or early 1900's.Married Zamora E. Moore, One son Jesse born at Lee's Summit. around 1905. William worked for different RR's in Ut. Or. Wa.BC Canada, Id. also, Spanish American War. Phillipines. Was either murdered in Canada, or just left my Grandmother because she naged. he just vanished.
Submitter: Robin Jennings (
Date: 02 Dec 1998

I am researching Mary Caroline HEREFORD b.November 27, 1844. She is listed with her husband James A. KEENER, daughter Sarah (9mo), and a Henry HUGHES(8yrs) in the 1870 Moundville, Vernon County, MO census. She, Sarah LEAX and Sarah's husband Hugh D. LEAX, John H HERIFORD, Frances HUGH, More Peffs and James HERIFORD are listed as selling at auction from the Estate of Henry HEREFORD, deceased, in 1868/1870 to James A. KEENER (the highest bidder) property. I suspect that Henry HEREFORD (James "Henry" HEREFORD) is her father and the others to be siblings. I am greatly interested in obtaining more information about these individuals and looking forward to hearing from anyone regarding them.
Surnames: WILSON
Submitter: Kay Claxton Wilson (
Date: 02 Dec 1998

Looking for any information for a Maledius F WILSON born Oct 1861 in Vernon County, MO.
His mother was Mary Ann Unknown Wilson
Sephrana b 1855 MO
Elizabeth  b 1856 MO
Crusus A  b  1864 MO
Mary A     b 1866  MO 
any information would be appreciated.
Submitter: Linda Stokes Hammesfahr (
Date: 04 Dec 1998

My father William Eugene ROGERS was born in Nevada, MO on Feb. 21, 1926. His parents were (William?)Eugene ROGERS, born April 8, 1891(2) or 1901(2) and Viola Belle BREESE, born Feb. 17, 1904, both in Nevada. Parents of Eugene ROGERS unknown. I am searching for more information on the ROGERS who were suppsosedly long-time residents of the Nevada area and of some Cherokee ancestry. I am also searching for information on Peter SHAFER, born 1839, died 1913, buried at the Olive Branch Cemetary; Sarah L. ANTHONY, born 1857, died 1943, also buried at the Olive Branch Cemetary. Peter SHAFER was a Union Civil War veteran. Sarah ANTHONY'S family were Confederates--brother John ANTHONY fought for the Confederacy. As far as I know, both the SHAFER and ANTHONY families were from Vernon County. I would appreciate any information anyone might have.
Submitter: Jodye Stone (
Date: 06 Dec 1998

Looking for info on Frances Vaughan Lockett married to Stephen Lockett Stone, May 1883, Nevada Co. Mo., Frances was the dtr of George Washington Lockett and Elizabeth Watkins Vaughan.
Submitter: Thomas L. Harman (
Date: 06 Dec 1998

Anna Eliza Tharp B- 4/16/1864, in Avola Mo. (Vernon County) Searching for names of parents and other relatives. any information greatly appreciated. Thomas L. Harman
3300 Claremont Drive
Midland, TX 79707
Submitter: John G. Nash, Jr. (
Date: 07 Dec 1998

Looking for information regarding William Nelson Brown and sarrilda Coyle. Married in Schell City, MO March 27, 1870. Any info or help would be helpful.
Submitter: Joyce Curry (
Date: 13 Dec 1998

I have a William CLINTON, born 1847, Douglas Co., Missouri, married in about 1873 to Mary Ann GROFF, who was born in 1857. I am told the marriage took place in Vernon County. Was the Groff family living in Vernon county? Who were her parents? Joyce Curry
Submitter: Luke Lucas (lukeluca@sprynet)
Date: 14 Dec 1998

Zamora Moore,m Samuel W. Lucas in Nevada,sometime around the late 1890's. I also have a phot of Samora with five other women who are in her graduation photo. again no date, but assume to be around the late 1890's or early 1900's. His familly was supposed to have owned a store in Nevada, and later moves to St. Joseph, Zamora's mother was Mary moore, and father William S. Moore thnks for any Informamtion. Luke
Submitter: Thomas L. Harman (
Date: 24 Dec 1998

Thomas P. Tharp (pg 840-841 History of Vernon County) B. 10/9/1833 Wayne Co., OH. Married to Susan Huffman c. 1863, in OH. Came to VERNON County, MO c.1870. Lived in Avola, VERNON Co. Children were: Anna Eliza, wife of John Lucas Tyree, of Avola; George T.; Charles; Sarah E.; and Emma J.Tharp. any information on any of these persons would be greatly appreciated.
Submitter: Lyndon Irwin (
Date: 24 Dec 1998

Researching the Moundville Lutheran church. For more information, check my web site.
Submitter: Judd Eschliman (
Date: 31 Dec 1998

Seeking additional information on ancestors/descendents of John Franklin LAMBERT (15 February 1849 MO - 26 Feb 1917 Monteague Co., TX) who married 29 Aug 1867 Vernon Co., MO to Juda M. BAKER (d. cir 1875). John Franklin's parents were Archibald LAMBERT (b. cir 1827) and Nancy APPERSON (b. cir 1829). They were living in Jasper Co., MO in 1850 census.