Am searching for information on the SCHNEDLER/BECKET/LONG surnames. William H. SCHNEDLER was born in 1866 in IL, died in 1947 in Nevada, Vernon Co., MO, and is buried there. In 1887 he married Eldora BECKET in Nevada; she was born in 1869, probably in IA, and died in 1907 in Nevada and is buried there. They had four children: Harry Harrison, John Lindsey, Ada May & Nona J. After Eldora's death, William SCHNEDLER married Arminda Augusta LONG in 1908 in Nevada. She was born in 1875, and died in 1956 and is buried in Nevada. They had one daughter, Annie. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
NOLTENSMEIR (NOLTENSMEYER), SCHAKE. Heinrich Friedrich "Henry" Noltensmeir married Frederika Schake on 23 June, 1857 in Vernon Co, MO. Who were there parents? Later moved to Osage Co.
ROUSE/BECK. John Allen Rouse married Julia Ann Beck on February 9, 1873 in Vernon Co, MO. John was the son of David Allen Rouse and Malinda Ann Reams Rouse. Who were the parents of Julia Beck? John & Julia later relocated to Boone Co, MO.
We were delighted to find a Vernon County web page. We are searching for any information on an Edith Hall that lived in Moundville in the early 1900's. She raised my mother. Mother always called her "aunt". Mom was adopted by Sam Collins around 1905-6. He was murdered shortly after she was adopted. She was taken in by Mrs or Miss Hall. Mom attended school in Moundville. We have pictures of her school classes from about 1911 till the time of WWI. We are writing the Nevada genealogical society. Mom flatly refuses to comment on her early life, saying that is "all water under the bridge." She is 93 now, and we are just now finding first cousins in and around Chilicothe from my father's side. If you know of anyone who would like to correspond regarding Moundville, etc. please feel free to pass along our address. Jack Jenkins 2300 Desert Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88001.
We are looking for information on Jesse Thelma Collins, who is currently about 93 years old. She was raised in Moundville by a maiden lady named Hall. Jesse is an untraceable orphan according to her. We do not know if Collins was her original surname or if she was adopted by a family named Collins. Jesse attended school in or around Moundville. She married Lee Henry Jenkins in Cillicothe around 1922-23 (we believe). Any information or leads would be helpful. We are currently trying to establish her citizenship under the new Medicaid rules.
I'm trying to find the siblings and parents of William Frederick Tyree (b. 1831 IN), who located in the Avola area of Vernon County after serving in the Civil War. His children and many descendants I have already charted. Can anyone tell me if there are records of any other Tyrees in Vernon County who were born before about 1855? There is an 1883 death record for a newborn child whose father was George W. Tyree (b. about 1828). Are there extant wills or any other records of George W. or any other Tyrees?
Am trying to trace the STEWARD and CARRICO families. They lived on neighboring farms in Vernon and/or Cedar counties. Family bible puts earliest member as Obediah S. Steward, b.January 12, 1854, m.December 5, 1875 to Nancy E., d.June 10, 1937. This is my great great grandfather and grandmother. They had 7 children. Cora Lee, Jasher N., Walter, Samuel P., Sarah E.(my great grandmother), Bertha, and Alfred. Sarah E. Steward b.July 13,1884, m.September 24,1900 to Oney Day Carrico, d.June 23,1973. They had 5 children. Ulric, Alberta, Adolph, Garold, Idoma(my grandmother). Any help would be appreciated. I am unable to get any farther than this.
Seek info on Joseph W. Davis who married Mary Alice Dunn 1885 in Vernon Co. Thanks for any help Sharon Colbert 14612 W. 83 rd Place
Looking for information on Susan A. (Craig) who married William Albert Geery. Both died in Vernon County. Need dates and place buried. They had eight children need information on Leslie Gerry married Etherl (Armstrong) on Walter Geery married Victoria (Armstrong). Need information on Rosa Lee (Geery) who married
Researching on Narcissa A. (Craig) who married Thomas C. Koontz. Both died Vernon country, need dates on Thomas. Where both buried? They had 7 children. Looking for information on Cora who married Thomas Strole, Dora who married Sey. Bryon, Daisy who married John Paris II.
I am looking for a cemetery called "Woodlawn" which supposedly is located near Nevada in Vernon County, MO. According to family lore, my great-grandparents John and Mary Peterson, were buried at ³Woodlawn² cemetery in Vernon County. John and Mary died approximately in January, 1897. Any information that could be found on the existence or nonexistence of "Woodlawn" cemetery would be greatly appreciated. Steve Peterson
Dunklin County, MO. I am looking for information on Mary KELLY, born June 19, 1851 in Vernon County, MO, daughter of Joseph Patrick KELLY, Sr. and Dorcus Sophronia THORNHILL. She first married a man named BRADSHAW then married William LUKINS. She had a son John LUKINS, who was born in Gravette, AR and a daughter who married Charles FOSTER. It is believed that Mary KELLY BRADSHAW LUKINS died in Clarkton, Dunklin County, MO. I'd appreciate any assistance in finding more information about her and her descendants. Thank you.
Seeking any information on Spencer CLACK and wife Elizabeth PRUETT who died in Nevada, Vernon Co, MO, 1832. They are known by the Baptist as their first martyr missionary in that state. Their children were supposedly raised by the Pruett family. Would very much appreciate any help in finding these descendants. Thank you. Edna Clack
I am looking for the parents of my great-grandmother, Martha (Mattie) Smith, b. Feb 1881 Nevada, MO. I found her in Aurora Twp, Lawrence County on the 1900 census. She is listed as a border with Robert Armour. This listing is just 2 months before her marriage to my great-grandfather, Sherman Smith of Eagle Rock, MO. Her maiden name was Smith and she married a Smith. She had at least one brother, Frank Smith. The story that has been passed down is that after her mother died, her stepfather gave her away when she was very young. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Mary Jane Collins m. John Lambert. They had 2 children: Margaret Rebecca "Maggie" b. abt 1869 and Armilda Evaline "Millie" b. Dec. 24, 1871 in Vernon County. Would like to correspond with anyone researching this family.
WEST, MEEK(?), COCHRAN, O'BANNON: I have old family photos with photographers' imprints from Hume, Bates co, MO; Creighton, Cass co, MO; and Holden, Johnson co, MO. Various notes refer to following folks -- "Grandmother WEST" (Hume imprint), mother of Lysander B WEST and grandmother of Veta M (MEEK?) WEST (my maternal grandmother). I believe Veta was born ca.1890 and married Harry L "Mike" COCHRAN. Known siblings of Veta (all older): Harvey, Blanche and possibly Gertrude. Veta appears in one photo with cousin Gladys O'BANNON, born few hours apart. Am also posting to Vernon and Henry cos, MO and Linn and Bourbon cos, KS as I am only going on photogs' imprints. TIA for any info. Marty Gundelfinger,PO Box 75219, Colo Spgs, CO 80970-5219. (719)574-1776.
Looking for William KLONTZ md. to Amelia or Millie FOX in 1844 in Clark Co., Ohio. They were on the 1870 Federal Census of Vernon Co., Missouri with their 7 children. They both died and were buried in Vernon Co. He died around 1871. Thank you. Suzette Thompson 2025 S. Little Valley Rd.
Searching for the descendants of James H. Scarborough and Lucy J. Zimmerman who married 2 Mar 1871 in Shelby co, IL. Moved to Missouri where child #5, a female, was born in Vernon Co, 1 Feb 1884. Nothing further has been found on this family. 1900 Missouri Soundex has been searched. Also soundex for surrounding states. Can anyone help?
I am searching for information on the ROBERTSON families. Jerimiah ROBERTOSN, James ROBERTSON, and Cornelius ROBERTSON were in Vernon County after 1850. James ROBERTSON's children were: Martha E., James Allen, Woodson, Luther Thomas, Catherine Jane, Nancy E., Sarah T., Isham H., John W., Mary L., Henry C., Dora A., and Ethel A. ROBERTSON. Jerimiah ROBERTSON'S children were: Martha J., and Mary L. We need to share information on these families. Please respond!
My name is Gary Sharp Crabtree and my great grandfather is George and I'm trying to look up family history on my people. I would appreciate your giving me any help in this area. I think they were in this area around 1850's possibly? My grandfather was John Cecil Sharp and my grandmother was Edith Gray Shoemaker Sharp and they all lived in Vernon County until around the 1920's or so. Thanks so much,Gary.
SALLY REAMS died between 1860-62 in Vernon County. Wife of John REAMS. Does any have any info about this family ? Anyone have access to any cemetery indexes? THANKS
I am trying to find places of birth, death and marriage for NICKELS.
child Nickels died young b. abt 1890 Lloyd Orphy Nickels b. 07 Sep 1892 in MO Verda Delores Nickels b. 04 Jan 1894 in MO
Above are the first three children of John Cornelius Nickels and Emma Ella Grisamore. John and Emma m. 13 Dec 1888, unknown location. Children probably born in Bates or Vernon cos., MO. Family removed to Anderson co., KS before their fourth child was born.
Thanks so much,
Paul Belvoir.
I am looking for information on Nathan JACKMAN who lived in Moundville, Vernon Co, MO sometime around 1891.
Seeking info on descendents of Johannes (John) Oechsli b. 1847 Swit. d. ca 1895 in an asylum in Nevada, Vernon Co., MO. Was married ca 1870 to Maggie Sheriff and had children named Florence, Walter, Arthur, Harvey, & Carolyn.
George Henry HALE and Sarah Ellen ROSE, married Nov. 27, 1872 in Vernon Co. I would appreciate any information about the parents of this couple. Sarah's father's name is Alexander, and George Henry was born in 1853 in Illinois. I believe that Sarah was also born in Vernon Co., Sept. 26, 1859. Can anyone help?? Thanks!!
6/24/97 ROBERTSON, I am looking for relatives and rescerchers of the ROBERTSON families that lived in Cedar County and Vernon County. At least 4 brothers moved there in the 1800's. They were James ROBERTSON, born abt.1828, John W. Robertson, born abt.1820, Jerimiah ROBERTSON, born abt.1845, and Cornelius ROBERTSON, born 1831, died 1872. These were brothers that were born in Tennessee. The names of some James ROBERTSON's children were James Allen, Woodson, Luther Thomas, Catherine Jane, and Martha E. The names of John W. ROBERTSON's children were T.L., Georgia, J.C., L.B., E.S. C.R., Miranda, Mary, James, Louisa, W.W., E.T., T.J.D, and John W. ROBERTSON. John's children by 2 marriages, Nancy ? and Jamila, and a possible 3rd - Elizabeth. Jerimiah ROBERTSON's children by Elizabeth were: Martha J., and Mary L. Please contact me to share information on these families. My s-mail is Larry Robertson, 107 Bob Davis Rd., Gray, Tennessee, 37615.
Searching for information on Larry & Charlotte BURD or BYRD, my great grandparents who were said to have lived in Vernon County. Very little information to go on, but my grandmother, Iva , was probably their youngest, b. on 2/24/1872. She m. Charles Luther WILKERSON, and they lived and died in Dallas Co. Mo. First thought there were only 3 children; Iva, Desta, and a son, but later heard there may have been 11. My grandmother and atleast some of her siblings were said to have been raised by a family named CAPPS> I've an old portrait of a J.W. BYRD, but do not know who he was. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Clara