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Military Information  A few of the many military resources at the Nevada Public Library Genealogy Dept.


Revolutionary War

A Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Service with their Names, Ages, and Places

     of Residence, as Returned by the Marshalls of the Several Judicial Districts, under the Act for

     Taking the Sixth Census in 1840

Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War.

Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Missouri

A Time for Heroes: The Ancestors' Stories (Missouri DAR submitted stories)

Women Patriots of the American Revolution: A Biographical Dictionary.

Connecticut in the American Revolution: A DAR Source Guide.

Georgia Citizens and Soldiers of the American Revolution.

Massachusetts and Maine in the American Revolution.

New York in the American Revolution: A DAR Source Guide.

North Carolina in the American Revolution: A DAR Source Guide.

Rhode Island in the American Revolution: A DAR Source Guide.

South Carolina in the American Revolution: A DAR Source Guide.

Virginia in the American Revolution: A DAR Source Guide.


Civil War

1890 Missouri Census Index of Civil War Veterans or Their Widows

1890 Vernon Co, Missouri Census of Union Veterans with Index

Amnesty in Missouri

Biographical Register of the Confederate Congress

Burial Places of Veterans of the Civil War, Barton County, Missouri

Bushwhackers of the Border (Civil War)

The Civil War: American Heritage Picture History

Civil War Genealogy

Carthage, Battle of, and Carthage in the Civil War

Confederate Agent: A Discovery in History.

Confederate Organizations, Officers and Posts 1861-1865

Confederate Roll of Honor:  Missouri

Confederate Veteran Magazine Jan 1893 through 1931 (hardbound) and Cumulative Index

Fire and Sword: A Missouri County in the Civil War  (see index HERE)

Hero of the Red River: The Life and Times of Joseph Bailey

Honor Roll of Oregon Grand Army of the Republic 1881-1935

Roster of the Dept of Missouri Grand Army of the Republic 1895

Indiana Civil War Manuscripts, A Guide to

Knights of the Bush and Others {Rebels and Yankees} of Vernon County, Missouri

Marching through Georgia: The story of Soldiers & Civilians During Sherman's Campaign

Missouri Military Pensioners 1883, Index to

Missouri's Union Provost Marshal Papers: 1861-1866 (Barton, Bates, Cedar, Barton, St. Clair, and

     Vernon Counties) (printed copy of online index).

Missouri State Guard: The Forgotten Men

Missouri State Guard: More Forgotten Men

Osages, Bushwhackers, Etc. (Civil War)

To Purge This Land with Blood: A Biography of John Brown

Photographic History of the Civil War in Ten Volumes

The Real World 1861 - 1968

Union Civil War Soldiers Buried in Vernon County, MO

Wilson's Creek, Battle of, August 10, 1861 (Civil War)

Wilson's Creek, Battle of, Civil War Series


World War I

World War I - Veterans of Vernon County

U.S. Naval Service, Officers and Enlisted Men Who Died During the World War. 1920


World War II

World War II - Veterans of Vernon County (Yearbook style with photographs of many)

First Infantry Regiment in World War II

Eighth Special Stevedore U.S. Naval Construction Battalion 1944 Yearbook

U.S. Naval Construction Eighth Special Battalion Sec III 1943-1945

A Ranger Remembers WW II by Eugene E. Elder

"Mapping was our Mission"  Military History of the 650th Engineer Topographic Battalion During WW II

     Aug 1942 - Apr 1946 from Camp White, Oregon to Japan


Free Military Research Sites:


Cornell University: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies


https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Confederate_Pension_Records FamilySearch.org State Resources for Pension Records


Missouri, Confederate Pension Applications and Soldiers Home Applications, 1911-1938 - FamilySearch.org


Missouri State Archives:  War of 1812 - World War I Soldiers


Missouri Digital Heritage - Civil War in Missouri


Missouri Digital Heritage - Guide to Civil War Resources at the Missouri State Archives


Missouri Digital Heritage - Missouri's Union Provost Marshal Papers 1861-1866


National Archives - Confederate Pension Records


National Archives - Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau Civil War

(The Provost Marshal General's Bureau records are the principal records that relate to the 1863 draft. Records may be incomplete.  Read more about the draft and paying conscription in this Prologue Magazine article)


National Park Service: Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System


Transcribed Vintage Books to Read Online


War of 1812 Pension Files, 1812-1815  FREE on Fold3


National Archives War of 1812


World War II Draft Registration Cards


World War II Reports of Separation Notices (DD-214) 1941-1946 for Missouri



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