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Nephew of Cole Brothers,

Occurred Wednesday Night

Casts Gloom Over Entire City.

     The news of the passing of Joseph Wood, which flashed over Nevada last night in an incredibly short time, brought the deepest sorrow to many hearts.

     Joseph had been sick but a short time and when it became known late yesterday afternoon that his condition was critical, there was scarcely a home in Nevada but that tensely waited for reports concerning his condition and hoped almost against hope, that it would be more favorable and that in the battle which he was fighting so desperately, the outcome would not be death.

     But the odds were too great and about 9 o'clock he slipped into the shadows.

     Joseph Wood is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wood of this city and was born and reared here.

     He was not quite seventeen years of age, the date of his birth being July 23, 1903.

     His illness was of only a few days duration, beginning just last Sunday night.

     He suffered an acute attack of appendicitis and the case baffled the best of medical skill! and trained nursing.

     Joseph was only a boy, the years being all too few, but much was crowded into these short years, which left its impress upon the community and especially among those in school with whom he was intimately associated.

     He was a true democrat and people from every walk of life were counted among his friends.

     In school he was a leader, and these qualities of leadership evidenced early in his school life, manifested itself in myriads of ways all during his high schools days, and especially in this, his last year.

     In the gold medal contest held several months previous, he won the highest honor among the boys and was awarded the medal.

     He possessed so many fine qualities of heart and mind, so happy of temperament, was debonair in manner an so truly a great hearted American boy that everyone both old and young were attracted to him. Once he was your friend he was always your friend, through sunshine and shadow.

     He was keenly alert in business and took the greatest interest in the T. H. Shanks Clothing Company, with which concern he had been associated during the vacation and after school hours for the past year.

     It is inconceivably sad that just as he was at the threshold of young manhood with life so brilliant in promise for happiness and success, that the summons should come.

     He was idolized by his parents. grandmother, and uncles, the Messrs. Cole, and to them the sincerest sympathy of the entire community is offered.

     No death in recent years has so affected Nevada or cast so deep a gloom over the whole town as has this.

     The students of the High School held a memorial this morning and the universal grief of the student body and faculty was most significant of the splendid worth of this young boy, coming from the hearts of those with whom he has been so closely associated the past four years.

     The surviving relatives are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wood, one brother, Jessie Wood, grandmother, Mrs. W. L. Cole, and five uncles, Messrs. Jesse and Ed Cole. of Nevada, John, of Garnett. Kas.; Bid Cole, of Lamar, and Guy Cole, of Junction City, Kas.

     The funeral will be held at 9:30 o'clock Friday morning at the Catholic church, conducted by Father Carney and burial will be in the Cole family burying ground, Mount Calvary cemetery, Ft. Scott, Kas.

The Nevada Daily Mail and Evening Post; Thursday 11 March 1920 page 5.


Vernon County Missouri Death Certificate


Many Friends Attend Obsequies at St.
Mary's Church This Morning --
Interment at Ft. Scott.

     The funeral of Joseph Jefferson Wood was held this morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. Mary's church, the last sad rites of the church being conduced most impressively by Father Carny.

     The requiem mass was sung by the choir and beautiful solos were sung by Miss Agnes Hildebrandt and Roy O'Connell.

     Father Carny in his splendid address directed much of his thought to Joseph's comrades.

     His words also brought comfort to the sorrowing loved ones.

     The church was filled to overflowing with friends of the deceased and the floral offerings were most exquisite and in great number.

     The Senior class sent a blanket of white roses in the center of which were the words "Senior 1920," woven in with purple violets.

   The employees of Cole Bros, store sent a huge basket filled with roses and there were many other designs, pillows. cross, wreaths, sprays and baskets of flowers from friends.

     The active pallbearers were Messrs. Vernon Edmiston, Hubert Fowler, Fred Renwick, Cha. Rooney, Ronald Stewart, and Claud Speece and the honorary pallbearers, Robert Dulin and Ralph Ferry.

      The senior class attended in a body also a number of other students of the High School.

     The body was taken to Ft Scott for interment in the Cole burying lot in Mount Calvary cemetery.

     The body was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wood, Mrs. W. I. Cole, Mr. Jess Cole, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole, Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, Mr. Bid Cole, Mr. Paul Dalton, Mrs. Margaret Herndon, Mrs. Garvey, Mr. O'Connell and daughters, Mary and Agnes, Miss Mary Rooney, Mrs. Fred Renwick, and the young men who acted as pallbearers.

The Nevada Daily Mail and Evening Post; Friday 12 March 1920 page 4.


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