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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 429-430:

James Witt

(Farmer, Section 13, Post-office, Metz).

   Mr. Witt’s farm is situated in the eastern part of this township and embraces some 230 acres.  It is being managed and cultivated to good advantage, and as a result the owner is prospering, for energy and perseverance will always win in the end.  Mr. W. is an unmarried man.  He came originally from Whiteley county, Ky., and was one of 11 children, eight of whom besides himself are now living; Minerva is the wife of Hamilton Crofton; Mahala married Peter Mayfield; Susan is Mrs. William Sidestick; Lizzie is the wife of William Robinson; Nancy, John, married Ida Murfie; Joseph married Martha Murfie, and Sampson remains single.  William and Ella are deceased.  The parents of James were also natives of Whiteley county, Ky., the father, Samuel Witt, being a farmer by occupation.  After leaving the Blue Grass State he emigrated first to Indiana, from whence six years later he moved to Illinois, remaining in that locality until coming to this county some four year subsequently.  His death occurred here in 1883, and his loss was widely mourned, for he was a man well known.  His widow, formerly Sarah Blace, still survives.  Mr. Witt came to this county with the family and has since remained here.  The occupation which he now follows is the calling to which he was reared, and very naturally he is better qualified to carry on a farm than those of less experience in that line.



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