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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 762-763:

Hammet A. Wilhoit

(Farmer, Post-office, Rinehart).

   The life of this honest, preserving and energetic agriculturist has not been one of startling events, but on the contrary has been passed in a quiet, straightforward manner, occupied almost entirely in attending to the duties of chosen farm work, and kindred pursuits.  Though a Kentuckian by birth and bringing up, he has made his home in different portions of Missouri for many years, and since 1870 he has resided in this county.  His present well improved and nicely cultivated farm embraces 200 acres, and is managed in a manner that brings the most substantial returns.  All this property has been secured at the expense of his own individual labor--and hard labor at that.  Mr. Wilhoit was born in Oldham county, Ky., in 1839, his parents, Gibson and Amanda (Hardin) Wilhoit, also being natives of the Blue Grass State.  In 1838, the family removed to Dover, Lafayette county, Mo., and subsequently lived in Jackson, Johnson and Saline counties, from whence, as stated, Mr. W. moved to Vernon county.  September 16, 1866, he married Miss Martha E. Potter, of Missouri, but she died August 12, 1875, leaving two children:  Alice J. and Julia.  Mr. Wilhoit's second marriage took place October 14, 1878, when Mary E. Bradley became his wife.  She was born and reared in Jackson county, this State.  Four children have been born of this union: Ella, James, Lula and Jesse.  Wherever Mr. W. is known his work is esteemed as good as his bond.

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