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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 702:

Sheldon A. Wight

(Attorney at Law, Nevada).

   Sheldon A. Wight was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., October 4, 1839, and is now in his forty-eighth year.  Alexander and Anna (Sheldon) Wight, his parents, were both natives of the Empire State, and as an occupation the former devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits — a calling in which he met with substantial evidences of success.  In 1867 he became located in this county and here made his home for about 10 years, or until his death in 1877.  Young Wight as a farmer’s boy very naturally acquired familiarity with that pursuit, his leisure time being passed in attendance upon the common schools in the vicinity of Gouverneur and Fairfield.  Seeking the law as a profession better suited to his tastes than farming, he entered the office of E. B. Winn, of Watertown, N. Y., and spent some time there; but desiring to obtain a thorough knowledge of the law he went to Albany and took a course at the Albany Law School, from which he graduated in the class of 1864.  Previous to this time, however, Mr. Wight had had a military experience of two years.  In 1861 he enlisted in in the 35th New York volunteer infantry, and took part in several severe engagements, among others the second battel of Manassas, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville.  After being mustered out he returned to his legal studies, which as stated were soon completed, and in 1865 he came to Nevada and commenced the practice of his profession.  Pursuing his way quietly and evenly, attending strictly to the business which was given him, it was not long until his true nature began to shine forth and his ability became known.  In 1870 he was elected a member of the Legislature from this county, and in 1874 he was chosen as State Senator, and in the latter position served as a member of the committee on banks and corporations, and on the judiciary committee, his official duties being discharged with a fearlessness and boldness and regard for the people of his county which could not but make him deservedly popular.  Since his residence in the county Mr. Wight has also acted as its financial agent.  In connection with his legal practice he is at this time largely interested in the land business, and is an extensive property owner, his landed estate embracing some two thousand acres.  He it was who laid out the town of Sheldon and gave it the name it has since borne.  He has been twice married; first in October, 1869, to Miss Mary V. Douglass, of this county, who died in 1882, leaving three children:  Katie, Douglass and Frances H.  January 13, 1886, Miss Agnes Barr became Mr. Wight’s second wife, she having came originally from Illinois.  He is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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