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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 581-582:

Washington P. Weyand

(Farmer, Section 4, Post-office, Eve).

   If for no other reason Mr. Weyand is entitled to prominent and honorable mention in every history of the county because of his long residence within her limits.  In point of residence he is the oldest citizen now living in Coal township, for he was born here, and his entire life has been passed among those by whom he is now so universally respected.  This, perhaps, is not so much to be wondered at when the fact is mentioned that he is a son of that esteemed resident of Richland township, this county, Hon. E. S. Weyand, a sketch of whose life is given in another portion of the present work.  Washington P. Weyand was born December 6, 1846, and is but a little past the age of 40 years.  His earliest recollections are those associated with the duties of farm life, for his father was a farmer and taught his children this calling.  He continued to attend closely to this occupation until 1870 when he was called to the position of county clerk, having been appointed deputy county and circuit clerk and recorder in 1868.  After the expiration of his official term he returned to his farm and has remained there since that time, adhering closely to the chosen channels of agricultural life.  His homestead embraces 185 acres of well improved land.  June 25, 1871, Mr. Weyand was married to Miss Sarah J. Harris, of Tennessee, daughter of Capt. John G. Harris, who located at Fort Scott in 1854, and afterwards came to this county in 1868.  Four children are in their family:  Fannie C., Harry Lee, Mary and Gertrude.  Mr. W. is a consistent member of the M. E. Church South.  He is now justice of the peach in this township, and is conducting himself in as consistent a manner officially as he is in the private walks of life.  He is well and favorably known throughout this entire community.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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