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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 808:

John F. Webster

(Merchant, Bronaugh).

   One of the principal factors in the business growth and development of the new town of Bronaugh is Mr. Webster, who as a farmer and stock man was well known in this portion of the county, previous to entering upon his present calling.  In 1886 when ill health forbade him attending to his farm duties he chose merchandising as the channel in which his energies should be directed, and from that time to the present he has had no reason to regret the choice then made.  The same characteristics of progressiveness and energy which marked his career as a farmer have been observed in his conduct as a business man, and these qualities have not been without their results in establishing him on a substantial basis.  He still owns 315 acres of excellent land in section 7, underlying which is a valuable coal deposit that he has worked profitably and successfully for years.  This coal is of good quality, above the average in fact, and meets with a ready sale, being in steady demand.  Mr. Webster was born in Indiana August 1, 1839.  Henry W. Webster, his father, originally from Albany, J. Y., came to Clay county, Mo., in 1850, settling at Liberty, from whence he went later on to Jackson and then to Cass county.  His (John) mother before her marriage was Miss Annie Porter, her native place being Hartford, Conn.  All his life Mr. W. has been a farmer, for to that calling he was reared.  In 1871 he located in Vernon county and has consequently lived here some 15 years or more, the greater part of the time occupied in farming and feeding and shipping stock.  In 1874 Mr. Webster was married to Miss Nelvia C. Jones, of Illinois, and three children have blessed this union:  Francis Marvin, who died at the age of three years and three months, George H. and Eva A.  He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Vernon Lodge No. 493.

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