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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 700-701:

Dr. E. J. Warth

(Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

   Dr. Warth is descended from a family whose members first settled in Virginia away back in the early history of that State. His grandfather, on leaving the Old Dominion, went to the then territory of Ohio at a time when there were no permanent white settlers in the State. One of his daughters was the first child born in the Northwest Territory. One of his sons, George H., the father of our subject, was born in Ohio in 1806, and after growing up in Virginia, was married to Miss Mary English, native to that State. He (George) also gave his attention to salt making for many years. Young Warth passed his early life in the vicinity of his home and for some time clerked on a steamboat. After making choice of medicine he was educated with that object in view, reading first with Dr. James Putney, after which he attended lectures at the Medical Department of the Louisville State University. In 1856 he came to Missouri and, settling in Henry county, embarked in practice there, continuing with substantial success until locating at Nevada in 1869; a short time, however, he was in Illinois. Dr. Warth has worked with singular great zeal in his practice and with untiring industry to acquit himself with credit and success in the cases under his charge. It is a matter of congratulation to the public to have in their midst one in whom they may have confidence as a physician and citizen. Talented and skillful in his profession, he is also the possessor of those qualities of mind and heart that make him universally respected. In 1862 the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Sue Allen, daughter of Robert Allen, of Henry county, Mo. Two children are in their family, a son, George A., and a daughter, Miss Mary A., more familiarly known as Birdie. Dr. W. is a member of the State Medical Society.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]



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