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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 429:

Zechariah Walker

(Farmer and Teacher, Section 12, Post-office, Hume).

   For about seventeen years this well known citizen of Henry township has been occupied in teaching school, a sufficient period for him to win a substantial reputation as an instructor of merit.  For some twenty years he has also carried on a farm, and the same success which seems to have attended him in his efforts at teaching has followed him in his agricultural labors.  His farm embraces 179 acres, and its surroundings bear ample evidence of the thrift and careful management of its owner.  Mr. Walker owes his nativity to Pettis county, Mo., where he was born November 18, 1848.  Elbert Walker, his father, was a Kentuckian by birth, who, after attaining to manhood, married Miss Nancy Shackelford, and she became the other of five children that are now living.  Zechariah, the eldest, was educated in Pettis county, securing a good, practical schooling, and when not thus occupied his time was passed in performing duties about the home farm.  In 1866 he first settled in this county, and since that time his career has become well known to all.  December 25, 1872, his marriage to Miss Julia A. Ellis was consummated.  She was born in Macon county, Mo., and is a daughter of Judge Robert T. Ellis, mention of whom is frequently made within these pages.  Mr. and Mrs. Walker have an interesting family of three children:  James A., Robert Luther and Annie May.



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