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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 531-532:

Joseph M. Waddell

(General Merchant, Deerfield).

   Among other mercantile establishments in this township that of Mr. Waddell, at Deerfield, should not be overlooked.  In partnership with Mr. J. W. Danley, Mr. W. has built up a good trade, and the custom and patronage which this house has received since its commencement speaks well for its management.  The stock carried is selected to meet the wants of the buyer, and is complete in every particular, and the business annually transacted is very satisfactory.  This result is due, doubtless, to the personal popularity of each partner, who strives to study the interests of those with whom he deals.  Mr. Waddell has passed the age of 60 years, having been born June 25, 1826, in Gallia county, O.  His father, James Waddell, and also his mother, formerly a Miss Cunningham, were Virginians by birth, but when Joseph was six years old they removed to Michigan City, Ind., and thence in 1840 to Freeport, Ill.  Accompanying the family on these moves, he was reared, as it were, on the frontier, becoming thoroughly familiar with agricultural life in a pioneer country.  In 1859 he removed to Wisconsin, from which State, in 1861, he enlisted in the 12th Wisconsin infantry, serving for 8 months, when he was discharged on account of sickness.  After recovering, he enlisted as a recruit in Co. F, 3d Wisconsin cavalry, as private, and when mustered out held the rank of orderly sergeant.  It was while a soldier that he first came to this county in 1862, and he remained in this vicinity until mustered out of the service in 1865, when he returned to his home in Wisconsin for the winter.  In 1866 he located here permanently and engaged in farming up to 1872, since which time he has been occupied in selling goods.  He was appointed postmaster at this place the same year and discharged the duties of this position until during the present administration, when the office was turned over to his partner, Mr. Danley.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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