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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 495:

Pollard W. Vandiveer

(Farmer, Section 32, Post-office, Nevada).

   Though a recent corner into Washington township, Mr. Vandiveer is by no means a stranger in Vernon County, for many years have elapsed since his first settlement within her borders.  He came originally from Lawrence county, Tenn., where he was born September 8, 1826, his parents also being natives of that State.  Edward Vandiveer, the father, was descended from Welsh and German parentage, several of his ancestors having taken part in the Revolutionary War, and one of them laid down his life in that struggle.  Edward Vandiveer came to Missouri in an early day - in fact was among the earliest settlers in the southwest portion of the State.  He located first in what is now Camden county, and afterwards moved to Dallas county, where he was engaged in farming up to the time of his death, in 1849.  His wife, whose maiden name was Nancy Wisdom, subsequently took up her residence in Vernon county, where she afterwards died in 1868.  Seven children were in their family, of whom Pollard W. was the eldest.  He was brought up as a farmer's boy, receiving a limited common school education, and continued to give his attention to agricultural pursuits until the outbreak of the war, in the meantime having accompanied his father on the moves above referred to.  In 1865 Mr. V. came to Vernon county, the northeast portion, and in 1869 engaged in farming in Deerfield township, from whence he removed to Ellis in 1874; from that time up to 1881 he conducted a hotel at that place seven years, and farming for a time in March, 1886, located where he now resides.  One item that should have been mentioned refers to Mr. Vandiveer’s career in the Mexican War; he was in Co. B, under Capt. Jones, in Col. Gilpin's battalion, and was stationed in New Mexico to protect supplies from the Indians, engaging in several encounters with them.  In 13 months he returned home.  In 1849 he was married to Miss Eliza Cummings, of Kentucky, and they have had eight children, five of whom are living:  James E., of Ellis; Nannie, wife of John Spendiff, of Deerfield township; Julia and Rutha, at home, and Andrew D., a farmer.  Mr. and Mrs. V. and the two daughters are members of the Christian Church.  Politically the former is a Democrat, and in 1882-83 he served as justice of the peace in Deerfield township.  He is a man whom to know is to esteem.



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