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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 578-580:

Dr. Allen Trim

(Physician and Surgeon, Clayton).

   The subject of this sketch was born in Eddyville, Wapello county, Ia., April 28, 1850, and consequently is still comparatively a young man.  His position as a member of the medical profession would indicate him to be older in years, for the extensive practice which he enjoys is such as generally falls to the lot of those more advanced in experience.  Alfred Trim, the father of Allen, came originally from Ohio, and during life followed his chosen occupation of a mechanic.  His wife before her marriage was Nancy Ann Ellis, and she became the mother of seven children, of whom Allen was the third child.  He was brought up in Iowa until 1866, then coming to Barry county, Mo., where he continued working with his father at cabinet making until ceasing this employment to enter upon the study and practice of medicine—a pursuit for which he seemed to have a natural taste.  Prosecuting his studies under the guidance of Dr. A. C. Beebe, in Barry county, he was subsequently fitted to enter upon a professional career, his first location in the practice being in Baladan, McDonald county, Mo.  Soon after this, however, he returned to Barry county and settled at Kearney, on Flat Creek, where he lived until removing to Arkansas City, Cowley county, Kas., in 1877.  It was during his residence at this point that Dr. Trim was appointed Government physician to the Pawnee agency, later on being sent to the Sac and Fox agency to take charge as medical director of “Absantee  Shawnee” and “Mexican Kickapoo.”  It is also worthy of mention that in addition to these duties he had control of the Industrial school at the same place.  In September, 1880, the Doctor located in the city of Rich Hill, and while living here he became a member of the K. of P., and was the first C.C. of Osage Lodge No. 69, which position he filled with credit to himself and honor to the order.  He remained there from September of that year until June, 1883, when he came to Ellis, Vernon county, but shortly after this place was chosen as the site of his future home, and here he has since remained, gaining a warm place in the affection of those among whom he moves.  Besides attending to his practice he carries on a drug store, and is meeting with good success as far as patronage is concerned.  In reviewing this brief outline of Dr. Trim’s life history it is certainly unnecessary to add any empty words of compliment.  Facts speak for themselves, and those who know him best will warmly attest the truth of the statements here made.  March 26, 1870, Miss Sarah E. Logan, of Barry county, became his wife, but she died in March 1877, leaving two children, Nannie K. and Lulu L.  November 13, 1878, the Doctor was married to Mary Ann Wheeler, of Indiana, who died September 24, 1883.  They had three children:  Sarah A., (deceased), Albert D. and an infant, also deceased.  Mrs. Marie F. Crockett is his present wife.  Mrs. Trim, of whom we make mention, was born on the 28th of April, 1857, at Gravel Springs, Va.  She springs from an ancestry of wealth and culture, from such families so widely known in the Old Dominion as the Stumps, Parsons, Frenches, Slanes, Fairfaxes and Abernathies.  She, with her parents, A. L. and Margaret C. Stump, two brothers and sister, came to Boone county, this State, about the year 1867, stopping for a time with an uncle and aunt of her father, Dr. J. R. and Mrs. Louise Parsons Jacobs.

   After spending a year and a half in Boone and Callaway counties the Stumps came to Vernon county, where they have ever since made their permanent home.  Her father has enjoyed great retirement from public excitement, having been exclusively engaged in agricultural pursuits.  Her brothers established the first planing mill in Nevada, about 1878, which stands as a living monument of their rare talents and enterprise.  Her sister, A. French Stump, is now completing a classical course in music, in D. DeForest Bryant’s Music School, Ft. Scott, Kan.  Mrs. Trim was employed as a tutor in the public schools of Vernon county at the youthful age of sixteen.  After a few terms of toilsome labor in this field, she repaired to a music school controlled by Carl Farringer at Boonville, better known as the Vine Clad City of Missouri.   Here she received the benefit of a three years’ instruction in this divine art, after which she instructed a class in music at Nevada, Mo., until her marriage to Dr. I. B. Crockett, physician and druggist at this place, March 19, 1879.  Dr. Crockett was born in Kentucky.  He attended the Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, Mo.  Mrs. Crockett assisted the Doctor in the drug business, and at his death in 1883 she was left alone, to the control of the drug trade and post-office at that place, till her marriage to Dr. Trim.  She appears a great deal in the drug store; but delights more in the fanciful arts of music and painting.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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