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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 898-899:

Thomas W. Todd

(Section 4, Post-office, Nevada).

   This well known and truly respected citizen of Vernon county was born in Howard county, Mo., July 13, 1835.  His father, Neriah Todd, was a Kentuckian by birth; his grandfather, Thomas Todd, became located in Howard county, Mo., with his family in 1816.  A brother of the latter, Jonathan Todd, had come to that county some years before, and was subsequently killed by the Indians, but not until he himself had killed three of their number.  The maiden name of the mother of Thomas W. was Minerva Hocker, of Lincoln county, Ky.  She also settled in Howard county, Mo., with her parents, in an early day.  Thomas was the second son and child in a family of eight children.  He was brought up and educated in the county of his birth, and in 1860 was licensed to preach by the Regular Baptist Church.  In 1862, rather than take the oath required by the Federal authorities, which he could not conscientiously do, he enlisted in the Confederate service, in Col. Jackman's regiment, and went South with him to Gen. Price's camp.  He was commissioned captain by the latter and detailed to go North the following spring, and to use his own judgment in enlisting recruits for the Confederate army.  He was wounded in a skirmish at Hermann, on the Missouri river, but escaped capture and finally succeeded in enlisting 800 men.  Joining Gen. Price at Boonville, these troops were afterwards transferred in skiffs across the Missouri river at Rocheport, their horses swimming across the river.  Two brave fellows were drowned at this time by the upsetting of their skiff.  Capt. Todd remained with the army until the surrender at Shreveport, and no braver soldier ever took up arms in a cause he believed to be right than did he.  After his return from the war he settled in Audrain county, Mo., and followed farming and preaching.  In 1866 he went to Clinton county and married Miss India Fry, November 16, 1866.  She was born in Clinton county, and was a daughter of Solomon Fry, who was a historic character in Northwestern Missouri.  He was born in Virginia, November 24, 1797, and emigrated with his father to Kentucky in 1800, where he was reared.  In 1820 he came to what is now Liberty, Clay county, Mo., and in 1840 to Clinton county.  He built the first court house and jail and bridge in Clay county and also erected the first court house in Clinton, as well as the first flour mill--the latter in 1843.  It is an item of interest that Fry's flour was then the best brand of flour in Northwest Missouri.  He married Miss Susan Snapp in 1826.  While living in Clay county Mr. Fry took an active interest in its affairs, and after his removal to Clinton county he was always prominent in whatever would promote the interest of that county.  He was the first to introduce the grafting of fruit in Northwest Missouri, and at the present time trees that he grafted, and that are over fifty years of age, are in bearing condition and apparently thrifty.  He was a man of remarkable character, firmness and intelligence, and while peculiar in some particulars was noted for his honor and integrity.  He belonged to the Old School Baptist Church, and his life was one continuous example of Christian fidelity to the broad and enlarged tenets of the church.  After a residence of two years in Andrew county Mr. Todd removed to Clinton county, living there until his removal to Vernon county in 1881.  He owns a fine farm of 480 acres and recently he has discovered very promising indications of coal oil.  Personally he is recognized as one of the wide-awake men of the county, a good citizen, and one whose influence is ever on the side of right and morality.  In all his operations he has manifested good judgment.


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