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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 577-578:

Archibald Thompson

(Farmer, Section 20, Post-office, Eve).

   Upon Mr. Thompson’s farm, or at least underlying a portion of it, coal of such superior quality as to attract attention everywhere is found in large quantities, and a great deal of it has already been mined.  This feature of his excellent place adds not a little to its value, though outside of this he has a farm which any one might be pleased to own.  It embraces 640 acres and is improved in an excellent manner, the surroundings bearing some evidence of the success which has attended Mr. Thompson’s efforts in securing a home.  Indeed what he now owns has been obtained without outside aid, through his own individual labor, and pronounces him to be a man of industry and enterprise.  This, perhaps, is not to be wondered at when the fact is noted that he came from Pennsylvania, from Greene county, his birth having occurred there June 26, 1837.  Samuel Thompson, his father, was also a native of that State; his mother’s maiden name was Hannah Hamilton.  Archibald, the fifth of eight children in his parents’ family, was brought up in Pennsylvania until 18 years old, when he removed to Illinois, living there until his removal to this county in 1869.  During the war he had a military experience of some three years, serving in the 73d Illinois Infantry.  In 1872 Mr. T. was united in marriage with Miss Susan Gordon, of Pennsylvania, an estimable lady, and one devoted to making home happy.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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