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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 577:

Elijah E. Thomas

(Farmer, Section 33, Post-office, Eve).

   In a majority of cases whatever occupation is followed by the father is the calling which will be learned by the son as he grows up, and the present instance is but another truth of that rule.  Mr. Thomas’ father, Caleb Thomas, of Pennsylvania birth, was both a farmer and lumberman, and Elijah, as the eldest child in the family, very naturally became familiar with each of these avocations at an early date in his career.  He was also born in the Keystone State, in Columbia county, May 19, 1835, and remained there until 22 years old when he removed to Lee county, Ill., and resumed agricultural pursuits.  In 1859 he went still further west, located in Bourbon county, Kan., from whence he came to this county in 1867.  Here he has since resided, attending closely to the management and cultivation of his land, and adding to his original purchase, until at this time he has 345 acres, a tract well improved and well adapted to the purposes of general farming and stock raising.  It is conducted in a manner characteristic of an Easter agriculturist, and brings substantial returns for the labor expended upon it.  In 1864, Mr. Thomas married Miss Sarah J. Melugin, who was born in Lee county, ill., and nine children have blessed their union:  Frank, Marietta, Priscilla, Caleb, Milla, Cora, John, Jennie and Grace.  Mrs. Thomas’ parents were Zechariah and Mary (Ross) Melugin, the former of whom was one of the earliest settlers of Lee county, Ill.  Mr. T.’s mother before her marriage was Miss Priscilla Eves.  Four of the children which she bore grew to maturity.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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