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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 745:

Leslie D. Talmadge

(Farmer and Dairyman, Section 32, Post-Office, Schell City).

   In connection with his farming operations Mr. Talmadge is now carrying on an industry which is proving of no small benefit--both to himself and the community in which he lives.  His well improved farm of ninety acres is managed and conducted as only a "Yankee" farmer can, excellent results being obtained for the labor expended.  Outside of this, as intimated, he devotes considerable attention to the dairy business, of which he is making a success.  Mr. Talmadge was born in Hampden county, Mass., August 22, 1841, his parents also being natives of that State.  And it is a fact worthy of mention that his father, Thomas Talmadge, of Connecticut, is now living on the farm which was owned first by his grandfather and then by the latter's son, from whom it descended to the present owner.  Leslie's mother before her marriage was Miss Lucy A Gillette.  The subject of this sketch, the eldest of a family of six children, was reared in Massachusetts, there becoming possessed of those sterling characteristics of industry, perseverance and progress that have ever followed him since locating in this section.  Brought up as a farmer, he continued that occupation at his old home until 1867, when he came to Bates county, Mo., and engaged in school teaching when not occupied in agricultural pursuits.  In 1876 upon settling in this county he resumed the same calling for some time, but of late years has been occupied as already mentioned.  In 1868 Mr. Talmadge was married to Miss Catharine Shrum, of Missouri.  They have a family of four children:  Edmund, Burdette, Mary and Minnie.  Mr. T. is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he takes an active interest.  His wife belongs to the Baptist Church.


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