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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 481:

Joseph Tahlman

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 2, Post-office, Schell City).

   As might be inferred from the name, Mr. Tahlman is of foreign antecedents and birth, and may well be classed among the more industrious, energetic and by no means unsuccessful agriculturalists of this county. His native country is Switzerland, and there he was born January 23, 1838, growing up with the characteristics and traits of industry, neatness and perseverance thoroughly impressed upon him; and with truth it can be said that these qualities have ever marked his progress through life. His parents were John and Kate (Ros) Tahlman, themselves natives of the same country, the former in 1803 and the latter in 1805. Joseph was their only child, and as such was well favored in his youth. In 1854, leaving the scenes of his childhood, he went to Italy, remained a short time, and then went to Marseilles, France. Subsequently he was found in Turkey, and for three years he lived in the Black Sea country, returning later to France.  There he was married in the spring of 1865 to Miss Elizabeth Risar, who was also born in Switzerland. After about a year spent in France Mr. Tahlman emigrated to the United States, stopping at first in Cole county, Mo., in 1866, where he gave his attention to stonemason work, plastering and farming.  In 1880 he disposed of his interests in that locality and became a citizen Vernon county, taking up his residence upon his present place.  Here he has 80 acres of fine land.  He and his estimable wife have one child, Joseph, born October 17, 1869.  Mr. T. in politics is a Democrat.  He is a member of the Catholic Church, and his wife of the Lutheran Church, and both are recognized as worthy constituents of the respective organizations.



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