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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 744-745:

James W. Sullards

(Of the Firm of Sullards & Babbitt, Dealers in Dry Goods and Clothing; also Real Estate and Loan Agent, Schell City).

   Among other leading and prominent business men of Schell City he whose name heads this sketch deserves special mention, for his connection with the affairs of Schell City has been honorable and extensive, and he has built up a reputation which places him among the foremost of the commercial men of this place. Reference has already been made to Mr. Sullards as a member of the dry goods and clothing establishment of Sullards & Babbitt. His birth occurred in Andrew county, Mo., September 23, 1845, the son of Elias and Elmina (Moorehead) Sullards, both of Kentucky nativity, the former of Virginia parentage and the latter of Scotch ancestry. The former, who was an agriculturist by calling, removed to this county in 1868, his death taking place here in February, 1884. His wife preceded him to the grave in January, 1878. James W., the youngest of four children, was brought up in Andrew county until seventeen years of age, at which time the family removed to Nebraska, remaining there some four years. Being of Southern proclivities both by birth and sympathies the senior Sullards lost heavily during the war, the close of that struggle finding him despoiled of nearly all his possessions. In 1868 James W. removed to Vernon county, Mo., engaging first in farming, then in teaching school and surveying, closely applying himself to whatever offered in order to obtain a livelihood. In 1871 he opened a grocery house in Nevada and in 1880 he came to Schell City, where he embarked in the implement business, continuing it until 1885. Since then he has given his attention largely to real estate and loans, and recently, as already stated, has become interested in the dry goods and clothing business, an undertaking which should meet the hearty support of every citizen of the town. In 1885 and 1886 Mr. S. was a member of the town board, serving as its chairman. He has been twice married; first, in September 1870, to Miss Anna Mobley, daughter of Judge Mobley, elsewhere mentioned in the present volume, who died in April, 1875, leaving two children: Edna and Pearl. His second marriage took place in September, 1884, when Miss Barbara Winters, of Claiborne county, Miss., became his wife. Mr. Sullards is a Select Knight in the A. O. U. W., and also belongs to the Masonic Order. He is the owner of some 200 acres of farming lands in this county.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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