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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 480-481:

Andrew W. Sullard

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Post-office, Harwood).

   Mr. Sullard is a native of the famous “Platte Purchase” of Missouri, his birth having occurred May 26, 1842, in Andrew county, and consequently he is not far from the age of 45 years.  Elias Sullard, his father, was a Virginian by birth, born June 14, 1801, though when six or eight years old he was taken by his parents to Central Kentucky, where, in 1835, his marriage occurred to Miss Elmina Morehead a niece of Gov. Morehead, and daughter of Joseph Morehead.  Her birth occurred in the Blue Grass State March 15, 1810.  Their children were Joseph A., born December 19, 1834; Catherine, born February 15, 1837; Elizabeth, born March 13, 1839; Andrew M. already referred to, and James W., born September 23, 1845.  Elias Sullard left Kentucky and became located in what is now Buchanan county, Mo., in 1835, remaining there a short time and then removing to Andrew county, where he reared his entire family.  Young Andrew received the greater part of his education while living there and in 1861 he enlisted in Col. Sander’s regiment, in the first Confederate command raised in that portion of the State.  He took part in numerous severe and important engagements, all of which are worthy of mention did space but permit.  The principal ones were Blue Mills Landing, Lexington, Cross Timbers, which was a hand-to-hand combat and resulted in a Federal defeat; the battle of Prairie Grove, and here Mr. Sullard was wounded and granted a furlough.  He went to Jacksonport and afterwards, with Capt. Sterns, raised a company of men, operating on the Mississippi and White rivers until his capture in the winter of 1863.  His prison experience was begun at Jacksonport, from whence he was taken to Little Rock and afterwards to Johnson’s Island, being exchanged some six months later.  Mr. Sullard now went to Shreveport and remained under Gen. Smith until being sent on secret service with papers to Gen. Jeff. Thompson, then at Jacksonport, but upon his arrival there he found that the army had disbanded, and so stopped until 1868.  In the meantime, in 1863, Miss Mary A. Link, of Arkansas, became his wife, her father having been of North Carolina nativity.  Leaving Arkansas, Mr. S. removed to Clay county, Mo., about 1867, and during that winter was engaged in teaching school, after which he started for Vernon county, arriving here February 27, 1868, and taking up a settlement in this township on what is now known as the Dillon farm.  Two years later he sold this property and purchased the place which he now occupies; this is situated in sections 5, 7, and 8, on the road leading from Harwood to Eldorado Springs, and in point of beauty, especially as regards location, is equaled by but few, if any, in the county.  Mr. Sullard and wife have seven children:  Elias, born February 20, 1866; George A., born July 25, 1868; Anora, born February 5, 1870; Joseph F., born December 5, 1872; Irwin S., born July 15, 1879; Floyd S., born October 11, 1881, and an infant born June 15, 1886.  Mr. S. is a Democrat in politics.  He is a consistent member of the M. E. Church South, and is superintendent of the Sabbath-school connected with Mr. Vernon Church.  He also belongs to Hesperian Lodge No. 286, A. F. and A. M., at Virgil City.



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