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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 692-693:

August C. Sterett

(Collector of Vernon County, Nevada).

   Mr. Sterett, still less than forty-five years of age, who is holding one of the most responsible and important offices in the county, is discharging the duties of this position with an energy, efficiency and satisfaction surpassed by no public official.  And as bearing out the truth of this statement it is but necessary to state that while he has already served three terms and was, in 1886, elected for his fourth term, he has never made a personal canvass, his popularity and well known qualifications for the position having proved sufficient to insure his election each time.  Such a record speaks for itself.  Mr. Sterett was born in Benton county, Mo., December 7, 1841.  Nathan McDowell Sterett, his father, was a Pennsylvanian by birth, and in 1837 he came to Benton county, Mo, previous to which time he had married Miss Maria Bruner, of Jonestown, Lebanon county, that State.  Ten children blessed their union, of whom August was the fifth.  His youth and early manhood were passed in his native county in acquiring a knowledge of farm life, an occupation to which he devoted himself until the war broke out, when he enlisted under Gen. John B. Clark and was joined to the Trans-Mississippi department.  During his service he took part in the battles of Carthage, Wilson’s Creek, Lexington, and the principal engagements participated in by the department, including the Red River expedition, his career not closing until peace had been declared.  Subsequently Mr. Sterett settled in Sedalia and was occupied as salesman until 1869 when he came to this county and position which he now so acceptably fills, and as already stated has since been the incumbent of the office of county collector.  The Democratic party has found in him an able advocate and to the doctrines of that body politic he warmly adheres.  On May 31, 1874, Mr. Sterett was united in marriage to Miss Addie Divers, of Johnson county, Mo.  The names of their seven children are:  Walter B., William F., Lucy M., Nellie A., Harry C., Hallie and Mary E.  Mr. Sterett is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.  He is also largely interested in mercantile pursuits and is connected with the Sterett Hardware Co., one of the standard business establishments of the city.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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