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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 782:

Conrad Stahler

(Farmer, Section 33, Post-office, Arcadia).

   Among other foreign-born citizens of Henry township the name of Conrad Stahler should not be omitted, for while his life perhaps has not been as eventful as the lives of other men, it has been passed in an industrious, quiet manner, which after all is the best. His birth occurred in Germany, December 25, 1834, his parents also having been born there; his father Philip Stahler, was a farmer by calling, who when a young man married Miss Catharine Lindensmith. The latter became the mother of six children, of whom Conrad was the third. After growing up in his native country upon a farm he emigrated to the United States in 1852, soon after moving to Illinois and locating not far from St. Louis. For about fifteen years he made his home in either that State or Missouri, in its eastern part, until choosing a home in this county in 1868. Now he owns a well improved and nicely cultivated farm of 192 acres, and in its management he shows himself possessed of knowledge gained by long experience at the business. Mr. S. has been twice married; first in 1857 to Miss Margaret E. Smith, of Illinois, who died in October, 1877, leaving two children: Sarah and Belle. His second marriage was to Miss Nancy E. Jones, of Kentucky originally. Mr. Stahler is one of the deservedly popular men of this vicinity.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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