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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 449:

Wilson Spayde

(Farmer, Section 23, Post-office, Sandstone).

   The place which Mr. Spayde now owns and occupies was first settled by him in 1874, and embraces the south half of the southwest quarter of section 23.  Like many other residents of this portion of the county, he came originally from Ohio, having been born in Richland county, that State, in 1839.  Eleven children were in the family of his parents, six of whom were sons; two of the boys and one girl are not now living.  George Spayde, the father, was born in 1806 in Pennsylvania, and after removing to Ohio was married to Miss Esther Shira.  His occupation during life was that of a tiller of the soil.  Wilson’s parental grandfather, a man respected in his day, was thrown from a load of wheat at one time and met with injuries which resulted in his death.  Wilson Spayde, while quite young, was made familiar with the details of farm life, an occupation to which he grew up.  In 1863 Miss E. J. Rook became his wife and bore him six children, two of whom are dead, Clement L. and Emma L.  Mrs. Spayde’s death occurred in 1872 and some three years afterwards, or in 1875, Mr. S. was married to Miss Sarah E. Jackson, daughter of Richard Henry Jackson, now of this county.  Of the three boys which blessed this union all but the eldest, William A., are living.  Mrs. Spayde’s father, a resident of Walker township, is a hale and hearty gentleman, and at this time is in his seventieth year.  He came originally from Prince Edward county, Va., but upon moving to Missouri in 1839 was direct from Kentucky.  Nine children were in his family, five girls and four boys.  As referred to elsewhere , Mr. Spayde has been settled in this county since 1874.  His farming operations have been carried on with success and he can now enjoy the fruits of his industry, for to no one but himself is he indebted for his prosperity.  The community finds in him a man of public spirit, ready to encourage all worthy objects.  When small he was sprinkled by a minister of the M. E. Church.  Politically he is a Democrat, as also was his father.



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