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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 871:

William H. Smith

(Dealer in General Merchandise, Montevallo).

    No merchant in Vernon county is more deserving of special mention than the subject of this sketch, for his career during life has been one too rarely seen in this day, a rise through individual efforts from a lowly position to one of influence as well as affluence. He was born in New Hampshire November 11, 1833, early being deprived of parental care and guidance. When quite young he commenced to battle with the stern realities of life, passing his early youth in mechanical pursuits, which he followed in different places until coming to Missouri. For some time he was engaged in merchandising in Jefferson City, but owing to the impaired health of both his wife and himself he came to Vernon county in 1870, and settled at Montevallo, hoping to be benefited by the change. In this he was not disappointed. He at once engaged in his present business, which has grown to be one of the most reputable mercantile establishments in the county, and such has been his success that one might well imagine him to be a naturally endowed merchant. His store-room, 22 x 100 feet, with an “L” and basement, is commodious and convenient, and, indeed novel. His stock is very complete and neatly arranged and well kept, and the result is a large patronage is accorded him, which he well merits. His efforts as a merchant have been warmly aided by his worthy wife, who was formerly Miss Jenet Knox, of Maine nativity. To her Mr. Smith was married in 1863. He is a member of the A. F. and A. M. Personally he is universally esteemed, his kind and obligating manners in business affairs being no less pleasing than his social qualities.

 [Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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