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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 530:

William O. Smith

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 22, Post-office, Ellis).

   Those who have become settled in this county within a comparatively recent period can little imagine the inconveniences and privations which even the settlers of “the Sixties” were obliged to undergo. Many are now living in this community who came here away back in 1840 or 1850, and who know by experience what pioneer life is. Mr. Smith, though not as old a settler as some of these, still remembers what he had to do to build a house in 1866. The lumber he hauled from Pleasant Hill, an undertaking which one would think impossible in the present day, and in other ways he found things far less convenient than now. He has resided in this community for 20 years, and for a long time has been recognized as one of the township’s substantial citizens. The improvements upon his well improved farm of 220 acres are all that could be desired for neatness and comfort, and have been made through his own efforts. The farm is devoted to both grain and stock raising and is kept in good condition. Mr. Smith is a Virginian by birth, born in Hampshire county (now), W.Va., in September 1832. His parents, John and Anna (McBride) Smith, were also natives of the State, the former being a carpenter and joiner by trade, and in their family were 13 children, William being the seventh child. He grew to manhood in the Old Dominion, there learning thoroughly the details of agricultural life, and this occupation he has ever followed. In 1859, leaving Virginia, he went to Knox and Mercer counties, Ill., living in the former county two years and in the later three years, following which he took up his residence in this section. February 9, 1870, Mr. Smith was united in marriage with Miss Eliza J. Saville, also of Hampshire county, Va., and daughter of Abraham and Eliza Saville, née Haines, who were themselves originally of the State of Virginia. Politically Mr. S. is a strong Democrat, supporting his views and manner of thinking by sound and convincing judgment and argument.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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