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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 593:

Mason Smith

(Farmer, Section 11, Post-office, Nevada).

   A glance at the career of Mr. Smith during life indicates that his time has been by no means idly spent.  Brought up as a farmer’s boy, he has followed that occupation almost exclusively, and as a result is thoroughly familiar with all its details.  At this time he is the owner of 240 acres of excellent land and 30 acres of timber, the improvements upon his home place indicating him to be a careful, prudent agriculturist.  Mr. Smith is a native of Missouri, born in St. Louis county, July 15, 1841.  His father, John J. Smith, originally from the Blue Grass State, became settled in St. Louis county at an early day; he was a carpenter by trade and, among other buildings put up, he erected the first court house in the county.  His home continued to be there until his death in 1855.  His wife, before her marriage, was Miss Cynthia J. Fitzgerald, also of Kentucky nativity.  Of the sixteen children which blessed their union, only five are now living.  Mason was the fifteenth child in the family, and, as stated, he was reared upon a farm in the county of his birth.  About 1882 he went to Saline county and lived there about a year, but March 4, 1883, came to this county, where he has since applied himself to tilling the soil.  He thinks this is the finest country to live in he ever saw.  In 1868, Mr. Smith was married to Miss Virginia Jones, who was born in St. Louis county, Mo.  Their seven children are named Mary J., Melciner, Floyd, Louis, Reuben, Lucy and Wilson.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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