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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 529:

Michael Shively

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 6, Post-office, Deerfield).

   The subject of this sketch, of foreign ancestry and nativity but on of the substantial farmers of this township, was born in Germany, August 14, 1826.  M. Shively, his father, was also a native of that country and served under Napoleon the First for ten years.  His wife, before her marriage, was Miss Sarah Miller.  In 1828, the senior Shively emigrated with his family to America and became located first in New York State, from whence he removed to Ohio, and then to Indiana, where his death occurred.  Subsequently young Shively located in Schuyler county, Mo.; in 1853 he chose a home in Dallas county, Ia., and accordingly moved there remaining for over 20 years, or until 1876.  California next attracted his attention, and he continued to live in the Golden State up to the time of his settlement in Vernon county in 1879.  Since then he has been closely connected with the agricultural affairs of this community.  His first purchase of land was a tract of 1,375 acres, known to the early settlers of the county as the George Douglas farm, and this has been improved in a manner unexcelled by any farm in the county.  As a stock farm it is all that could be desired, its appointments being especially fine.  As is well known Mr. Shively, is giving considerable attention to the stock industry, and has established a sound reputation in this line.  While a resident of Iowa he was recognized as one of the representative men of his adopted county, and this recognition has not departed from him in his present home.  In all matters pertaining to the interest of the community he has taken active part, ever supporting those measures which were calculated to aid and encourage the interests of those among whom his fortunes have been cast.  Mr. S. is a married man, Miss Sarah Thornburg having been the maiden name of his estimable wife.  She came originally from Indiana, and was  daughter of the late Judge Henry Thornburg, one of Dallas county's (Ia.) most respected citizens for many years.  Four children have blessed the union; Hattie, now Mrs. A. Smart; Lincoln, Biney and Clyde.  Mr. Shively is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.  Politically he is a stanch Republican, though by no means radical in his views.  Vernon county is indeed fortunate in having among her citizens such a man as he whose life history is here briefly outlined.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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