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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 448-449:

Lafayette Shindler

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 19, Post-office, Nevada).

   Mr. Shindler’s military record during the late Civil War forms a not unimportant item in the history of his career, and for that reason is briefly outlined here.  When affairs became so disturbed as to necessitate the enlistment of all able-bodied men, on either one side or the other, he entered as second lieutenant Co. C, Gordon’s regiment of Missouri, under the command of Gen. Marmaduke, though belonging to Col. Price’s army corps.  His experience was not uneventful, for he participated in some severely fought battles, among them the engagements at Carthage, Prairie Grove, Helena, Saline River, Pine Bluff, Springfield, Westport, Newtonia, etc., and at the close of the war he returned home wearing a captain’s epaulettes.  Mr. Shindler is a native of Shelby county, Ky., born October 24, 1824, the seventh of 13 children in his parents’ family, seven of whom are now living.  George Shindler, the father, also of the Blue Grass State, was an extensive planter, owning some 300 acres of land.  His wife, formerly Miss Susan Modesit, of Kentucky, died some years ago in that State, as also did Mr. S.  Lafayette was reared as a farmer’s boy, enjoying the common school facilities afforded by his native county.  After the death of his parents he came to Missouri, settling first in Lafayette county and afterwards in Saline county, from whence he entered the army.  After the war closed he embarked in the mercantile business at Waverly, Lafayette county, and met with good success until about four years ago, or in 1883, when he disposed of his interests there and removed to Vernon county.  Here he has since been located, closely associated with the agricultural and stock interests of the community.  His farm contains 240 acres and is well improved, its surroundings being in full keeping with the character of the owner.  His niece, Mrs. Sloan, is now keeping house for him.  One of his brothers, John Shindler, lives in Louisville, and three others are farmers in Spencer county, Ky.; another brother is president of a bank at Blackburn, Saline county, Mo.  David R. Shindler was with John Morgan during the war and while on that general’s raid was captured and made to suffer many indignities.  Mr. S. has been a member of the Masonic fraternity for about twenty years.



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