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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 493-494:

Jacob Schneider

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 5, Post-office, Blaine).

   The foreign-born citizens now located within the boundaries of Vernon county are most ably represented by the subject of this sketch, Jacob Schneider, a man acknowledged to be one of the foremost of the agriculturists of Washington township. His well improved place embraces 340 acres, situated some seven miles north of Nevada, and in its management he shows himself to he possessed of advanced ideas in regard to the proper conduct of a farm.  Mr. S. is of German ancestry and birth, having been born near Frankfort, Germany, January 19, 1842.  His parents were Frederick and Anna P. (Klein) Schneider, also of that country, who, in 1848, emigrated to America, locating in New York, where they remained until 1859.  In that year they became settled not far from Chicago, in Will county, Ill., where the father carried on his occupation of farming until his death, in 1873, his worthy companion following him to the grave in 1874.  Of the seven children which had blessed their union Jacob was the fifth child.  In growing up he obtained a good common school education, and in more recent years has become still better informed on all general subjects, and at this time he is thoroughly conversant with both the German and English languages.  Since 1872 he has been a resident of this county, where, as intimated, he has become well and favorably known.  In 1870 Mr. Schneider was married to Miss Annie Wandry, also originally from Germany.  To them the following children have been born: Bertha, Ida, Emma, Jacob and Louis.  Mr. and Mrs. S. are both connected with the Lutheran Church, and in his political affiliations the former is a Democrat.  He takes a warm interest in all worthy movements tending to the progress and development of the county, and is a stanch friend to the public schools of the present day.



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