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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 837-838:

John L. Samples

(Hay Dealer, Milo).

   Mr. Samples deserves more than passing notice in this department of Vernon’s history, for his connection with the affairs of this portion of the county has given him a wide acquaintance and brought him prominently before the citizens of the community. He was born in Green county, Ky., April 18, 1838, the youngest of ten children in the family of his parents, Charles and Anna (Young) Samples, the latter of whom came originally from Taylor county, of the Blue Grass State. The father was a Virginian by birth, and as an occupation devoted himself to farming. In 1840 this family removed from Kentucky to Missouri, settling in Clay county, where they were numbered among the early settlers there. John L. was then but a small child, and consequently he was brought up in that section, early becoming acquainted with the details of farm life, as taught him by his father. His home was in Clay county for many years, or until 1878, when he removed to Vernon county, and soon after settling here he took a contract of grading for the Lexington and Southern Railroad. At this time the town of Milo was laid out and Mr. Samples erected the first house in the place, opening also the first store, which he managed for some time. Purchasing town property during this period, he became quite a land owner, and some of this property he has since held, owning beside 40 acres of farming land. At this writing he is making a specialty of the hay business—quite a departure hereabouts from the ordinary line, but in it he is proving himself the farmer’s friend, in making a market for their product at good prices. His shipments are quite extensive, reaching over a wide territory, among other points, Kansas City, and an enviable reputation has been accorded him for the quality of these shipments. In 1863 Mr. Samples was united in marriage with Miss Mary A. Moore, originally from Washington county, Ky., and a family of six children has blessed this union: Arthur, Jessie, wife of James Blackwell; Charlie, Walter, Winfree Dannie and Annie.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]



The 1880 census of Vernon Co, MO shows that John's family included

Martha M., wife, 10 years younger than John.

Arthur P., 15 yr old son

Jessie M., 13 yr old daughter

Charles B., 10 yr old son

Walter L., 8 yr old son

Winfrey W., 5 yr old son

Daniel R., 2 yr old son




The 1990 census shows that another daughter, Annie, was born about 1885, and this picture appears to be of John Samples and this younger daughter.



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