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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 405-406:

George H. Rucker

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 35, Post Office, Nevada).

   Living near the southeastern portion of Osage township on the historic and famous spot of "Old Town," the renowned city of the Osages, may be found George H. Rucker, the son of Jerry Rucker, one among the earliest of the pioneer settlers of Vernon county.  He came here from Howard county, though formerly of Kentucky, and in that early day the country was so wild and unsettled that Indians frequently passed through on hunting expeditions, having removed from the site of Old Town many years before.  Mr. Rucker (Sr.) was decidedly Democratic in his views and when the war broke out he eagerly enlisted under the banner of the starts and bars in Capt. Williams' company, under Gen. Price, and served until his death at Waco, Tex., in 1862, leaving six children, though she had borne her husband 10 children.  George H., brought up in a pioneer manner, became inured to manual toil while still young.  In 1862 while civil strife was raging in all its fury he in company with several others attempted to reach Gen. Coffee, then in Southern Missouri, but near Horse creek they were intercepted by a company of 360 militia from Springfield, and as a result of this meeting five men were killed and two wounded; Mr. Rucker was pierced through and through by a bullet and carried by the militia to the house of a Mr. Randolph, there being cared for until his removal to the home of Mr. Woods, with whom he remained until his recovery.  Afterwards he joined the Confederate forces, but was captured in Howard county and subsequently paroled.  His war experience forms by no means an unimportant item in the history of his career.  In 1875 he was married to Miss Amelia Hawkins, who died in August, 1879, having borne two children, both now deceased.  Since his return to this county the year after the war, Mr. Rucker has followed agricultural pursuits with good success.  He is a native Missourian, born March 22, 1844, and most naturally is a stanch Democrat.  His long residence in the county has given him a wide acquaintance and with all he is most popular.  As a pioneer he is able to tell with interest many incidents connected with the early settlement of this county.  One change, as Mr. Rucker expressed it, is seen in the difference between the old and present spirit of "brotherly love."  Then a house raising was participated in by 30 or 40 men who offered their services for the occasion; now, though that number of persons can be seen from any point, no help could be obtained without liberal remuneration.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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