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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 574-575:

James D. Roodhouse

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, section 21, Post-office, Eve).

   For 56 years the name of Roodhouse has been as a household word to the older residents of Greene county, Ill., where for many years representatives of this family have resided.  Benjamin Roodhouse, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a native of England and a farmer by occupation.  He emigrated to the United States in 1831 and settled in Greene county, Ill., where with his wife, formerly Jane Ostler, he reared his family of four sons and one daughter.  James D., the youngest child, was born in Cawood, Yorkshire, England, September 27, 1829, and while still hardly more than an infant was brought by his parents to this country.  Naturally as he grew up he was taught the rudiments of farming, following which from time to time he learned by practical experience the minute details of this occupation, the calling to which his attention has always been directed.  In 1879 he removed from Illinois to Vernon county, Mo., and this has since been his home; here, too, agricultural matters have occupied the most of his time, together with stock interests, for as is well known, his large landed estate is devoted principally to the feeding of a good grade of stock.  This place embraces 640 acres, and in its conduct and management Mr. Roodhouse has thoroughly demonstrated himself to be one of the county's most intelligent, progressive citizens.  Not only from a private standpoint has he been successful, but in aiding all worthy objects and lending his influence where necessary, he has done not a little for those around him.  Mr. Roodhouse's wife before her marriage was Miss Lucy Robinson, of Menard county, Ill., daughter of James M. and Mary (Jay) Robinson.  To them four children have been given:  Charles L., one of the county's rising young agriculturists, Lula, wife of Robert Rutherford; Helen and Bertha.  Mrs. Roodhouse is an estimable lady and one whose daily efforts are to make home happy.  It is but proper to state in this connection, as has been before intimated, that the family of whom J. Roodhouse is a representative were long prominently connected with the affairs of that section of Illinois in which Greene county is located.  Roodhouse Station, division of the C. & A. R. R., was name in honor of Mr. James Roodhouse's brother, John Roodhouse.  The name of the other children in the family are Jane, John, Benjamin and Peter, who died June 9, 1879.  The latter was a man highly respected and esteemed, and prominent as a farmer and stock-raiser.  He was closely identified with the Methodist Church, in which he ever took a warm interest, and besides was a leader in Masonic circles.  His death was sincerely mourned.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

Capt. James Dorsey Roodhouse, c. 1870


Photo courtesy of Bob Rutherford rhruther@aol.com

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