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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 686-687:

Dr. Charles A. Rockwood

(Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

   Permanent success in any calling in life is always regulated by well known laws dependent upon natural causes, and no one can hope to secure a lasting reputation, with a solid foundation of success, without merit.  That Dr. Rockwood has made himself eminently successful in his professional career nearly twenty years' constant practice in Vernon county abundantly testifies -- and this is amply corroborated by his professional brethren and by the income which he receives.  Charles A. Rockwood was born in the city of New York February 10, 1846.  His parents were William H. and Susan G. (West) Rockwood, the father being of Vermont nativity.  His wife was a daughter of John G. West, and it is an item worthy of mention that in his office Horace Greeley served an apprenticeship in learning the printer's trade.  In 1856 Mr. Rockwood left New York on account of his wife's ill health, and moved to Marengo, Marion county, Ill., where both he and his companion subsequently died, leaving a family of five children.  Of these Charles A. was the fourth child and second son.  He was brought up to a knowledge of farm life, and when 16 years of age began to display those qualities of independence and enterprise which have characterized his later years.  At that time he rented the farm of his father, carried it on successfully, and in the meanwhile secured by his own efforts a good education, attending a school at Woodstock conducted by Rev. R. K. Todd.  A desire to obtain a thorough knowledge of some of the sciences led him to take up the study of medicine, and under the guidance of Dr. James Northrop he was soon enabled to attend medical lectures at Rush Medical College, of Chicago, from which well known institution he was graduated in the class of 1866-67.  His preparatory course now having been completed Dr. Rockwood entered at once upon an experience which could not fail of proving beneficial to himself, as well as to those with whom he came in contact.  For two years he was engaged in practicing at Afton, Union county, Ia., but owing to a long attack of typhoid fever and the severity of the winter months, he returned to Illinois and settled at Sandwich, DeKalb county.  A year later, or in 1870, he came to Nevada, Vernon county, resumed the practice of his profession, and has since remained here, actively devoted to his chosen calling.  His success has indeed been remarkable, and the large and extensive patronage which he has enjoyed, and the pleasing results that have followed him, warmly testify to his ability and popularity as a physician and surgeon.  Not only professionally, but as a citizen in both private and public circles, the Doctor has become well and favorably known.  Numerous buildings indicate the interest he has in the place, the most important of which is the brick hotel structure which bears his name, though other valuable property might be mentioned.  He is a member of the American Medical Society, and also belongs to the Commandery of the Masonic Order.  November 11, 1874, Dr. R. was married to Miss Belle B. Berry, of Winchester, Scott county, Ill., a lady of rare personal and social attractions.  They have on child, Reginald McKendrie.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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