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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 573:

Theophilus Rimbey

(Farmer, Section 22, Post-office, Eve).

   All will admit that the subject of this sketch is entitled to honorable mention in this volume, for his career during life has been one that reflects only credit upon him, and at the same time indicates him to be a man of industry and true worth.  Born in Maryland, January 22, 1832, he was the son of Uriah and Mary Rimbey, née Snook, also natives of that State, who were the parents of six children.  The father in early life learned the trade of plasterer and bricklayer, but afterwards followed farming.  Theophilus, the youngest child in family, was two years old when taken to Dayton, O., and there he lived eight years, going thence to Indiana, and a year later to Illinois, in 1841, where he made his home for a number of years.  While living in this State he helped load the first car load of hogs shipped on a railroad in the United States, the consignment being from Jacksonville to Meredosia.  While a young man, or indeed a youth, he became familiar with the carpenter's trade and gave it his attention for 17 years.  During the war he enlisted in the 101st Illinois infantry and served two and a half years, taking part in the battles of Holly Springs, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Altoona Pass, and Peachtree Creek, and at this latter engagement he was wounded, and taken to the hospital, where he remained until honorably discharged at Camp Butler, in Illinois.  Since 1873 Mr. Rimbey has been located in this county, and during this period has been occupied actively in farming, winning many friends by his straightforward course.  He owns 207 acres of land.  In 1851 he married Miss Carolina Pousey, of Illinois, and they now have five children living:  Isaish, Susan, wife of the George House; Martha, Mrs. H. L. Burdett; Mary and Albert.  Three are deceased:  Frances M., Maggie and an infant.  Politically Mr. R. is a stanch Republican, adhering closely to the principles of that party.  He and his wife are connected with the M. E. Church.



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