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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 684-685:

Peter Rexrode

(Clerk of the Circuit Court, Vernon County).

   Peter Rexrode, son of Adam and Elizabeth Rexrode, née Fox, was born on the 3d of February, 1822, in Highland county, Va. His parents were both natives of the Old Dominion, of Pendleton county, where the father followed farming up to the time of his demise in 1878. His estimable companion survived until 1880 when she, too, departed this life. Nine children had blessed their marriage, Peter being the fifth child and fourth son. He passed his boyhood days and reached mature years in a manner devoid especially of any noteworthy event, acquainting himself with the duties of an agriculturist and attending first the ordinary district schools of his neighborhood and later on the school at New Market, Shenandoah county, Va., at which he was a student some two years. In 1850, like so many other drawn hither by the marvelous stories of hidden wealth, he went overland to California and remained one year, but on account of impaired health he was obliged to return to his Virginia home. In 1853, he became located at Elkhart county, Ind., but in the spring of 1855 moved to Woodford county, Ill., resuming there the occupations which he had followed in Indiana—selling goods and teaching school. In 1858, Mr. Rexrode left Illinois and in April of that year settled in Camden county, Mo., where he engaged in the mercantile business, meeting with good success until the loss of his stock through the depredations of war. This was in 1863 and he then returned to Illinois that he might not be further molested. In 1866, a desire to again become a citizen of Missouri prompted him to settle in Bates county, from whence the next year he moved to Vernon county. Since that time Mr. Rexrode has steadily won a wide circle of friends. His connection with the mercantile interests of the county up to 1870 brought him prominently before the people and in that year he was made treasurer. No more capable or efficient officer ever occupied that position and his career in this capacity was above reproach. After his service of four years he again devoted himself to his mercantile business until 1878, and in 1879 he accepted the position of deputy in the office of the circuit clerk. In November, 1882, he was elected as circuit clerk and after his official term expired was again nominated to the same office, being re-elected in 1886. In this he has since remained, acquitting himself in a manner well known to every citizen of the county. In 1860 Mr. Rexrode was married to Miss Eliza A. Ford, of Cole county, Mo. They have one daughter, Jessie A., wife of M. F. McGinnis.  Mr. R. belongs to the Blue Lodge and Chapter of the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]


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