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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 512-513:

James S. and Matthew T. Raines

(Farmers and Stock-raisers).

   In the history of Walker township, in its development, growth and improvement, the Raines family have taken a prominent part, and on this account its members are accorded a worthy place in the present volume. The names which head this sketch are those of brothers who were born in Anderson county, Ky., the former February 18, 1840, and the latter July 27, 1844, sons of Adam B. and Melinda (Kilby) Raines, who were Kentuckians by birth, and of old Virginia families that settled in the Blue Grass State in a primitive day. The maternal grandfather of these brothers died while in the service of his country as a Revolutionary soldier. Both families were wealthy and influential in Central Kentucky, though the Kilbys were not numerous. Mrs. Raines’ mother married for her second husband Matthew Duncan, by whom she reared a large family. The Raines family is of Scotch origin, having settled in Virginia from that country in colonial times, afterwards becoming well known. Adam B. Raines grew up in Anderson county, Ky., and though uneducated was a good and worthy man. He and his wife had 11 children, 10 of whom reached maturity, and all married save Noel, a Christian minister and a young man of promise, who died when 22 years old. Five of these children live in this county, two in other portions of Missouri and two in Texas. In the fall of 1849 Mr. Raines came with his family to Moniteau county, Mo., and three years later returned to Kentucky, leaving the family in the care of the mother; but she exercised good judgment and reared her children most creditably. As a Christian woman she led a most exemplary life, dying September 15, 1882. James S. Raines was reared on a farm and received a common school education, as did also Matthew, though their boyhood privileges were rather meager. During 1864-65 the former spent the time in Montana Territory, afterwards farmed in Moniteau county, Mo., in 1866, then moved to Pettis county, and in 1878 came to Vernon; and after living in Henry township two years he moved to his present location, where he has 120 acres of land, well improved, upon which he raises good graded stock. February 13, 1868, he married Miss Mary E. Calvert, whose birth occurred in Cooper county, Mo., October 9, 1840. They have three children living: Jennie M., Ollie F. and Owen E., one having died in infancy. Mr. Matthew Raines was married December 29, 1869, when Miss Ellen Calvert became his wife. She was born in Cooper county, January 27, 1842. This union resulted in four children: Maude, who died when one year old; Laura and Charlie, living, and another, an infant, also deceased. Mr. R. owns 66 acres of land which he is cultivating in good manner. Both brothers are members of the Christian Church, and though usually voting with the Democratic party take advanced ideas regarding general questions of the day. Progressive themselves in all movements, they have given their children excellent educational opportunities.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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