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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 896-897:

William D. Profitt

(Farmer, Section 13, Post-office, Nevada).

   William D. Profitt is a son of an old and honored resident of Vernon county, and was born November 28, 1852.  His father, David S. Profitt, was born in Tennessee in 1824, and when eleven years of age was taken by his parents, William and Sarah Profitt, to Johnson county, Mo.  He was reared a farmer and his early life was spent on a farm.  When young he united with the M. E. Church South, and was licensed to preach.  In 1852 he went across the plains to California; he had previously married Miss Sarah Garrison, a native of Kentucky.  Three children were born to them, and of these two still survive:  Sarah, who married Dr. Perrine, of Arkansas; and Godfrey; she was born in Kentucky.  Mr. Profitt was an earnest, faithful, consistent, and successful preacher, and it is doubtful if any standard bearer of the cross ever commanded or merited more respect than Rev. David S. Profitt.  He died April 11, 1859, leaving, besides his widow, two children by this marriage, Robert J., a medical practitioner, of Kansas City, and Ellen D.  The latter died in 1863.  Wm. D. Profitt after the death of his father went to Cass county, and remained some years with an aunt.  In 1868 he returned to Vernon county.  He has been successful in farming and has made it his chosen occupation, and now owns a good farm of 160 acres.  He was married in 1875 to Miss Letitia Logan, daughter of James and Mary Logan, early settlers of this county, mention of whom has already been made in this work.  They have three children:  Ernest, Logan and William D.


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