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Well Known Physician Passes Away

Surrounded by His Family of Loved Ones.

   Dr. E. L. Price died Monday night at five minutes past eleven o’clock, of nephritis, after an illness of five days.

   The doctor had not been well for several days, but did not take to his bed till Thursday of last week.  The family was at once alarmed and physicians were called who gave him the best of attention.  But his condition continued to grow worse and it was evident that medical skill could avail nothing.  On Sunday afternoon Drs. Buchanan and Ammerman of Nevada, Todd of Richards, and Smith and Altham of Metz held a consultation.  While they entertained hope for their brother physician, they were forced to admit that three score and ten years had left its mark and the odds were largely in favor of the death reaper.  He continued to grow worse and surrounded by his family he passed away at the time above mentioned.  Two physicians and a number of I.O.O.F. brothers were at his side when the end came.

   The funeral services, which were not held till 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, were conducted at the home by Rev. M. A. Wolfe.  The services were short but impressive.

   The remains were then given in charge of Metz Lodge No. 694 I.O.O.F., and were escorted to the beautiful Balltown cemetery.  The crowd that attended the funeral was perhaps the largest that ever left Metz.  The vehicles extended back for a mile as they proceeded to the cemetery.  At the grave the ritual services of the order were conducted and the last sad rites to a departed brother were performed.  The remains were then laid to rest in a vault.


   Edward Lewis Price was born near Glasgow, Charitan county, Missouri November 5, 1835.  He was married to Mary P. Morrison near his old home on September 25, 1862.  Ten children were born to them, eight of whom are now living, as follows: Mrs. Nettie Bush and Mrs. Minnie Montgomery of Nevada, Mrs. Denie Dunbar of Boise City, Idaho, W. D. Price of Pueblo, Colo, J. A. Price of Okmulgee, I.T., and E. E. Price, Miss Byrde Price and C. H. Price of Metz, all of whom were at the funeral.  Besides his companion and children, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Jennie Rowan of Kansas City, who has been here for several months, and ten grandchildren, several of whom were at the funeral.

   After studying medicine for a time under two prominent physicians and surgeons at Cambridge he entered a medical college at St. Louis and in due time received a diploma.  During the war he serviced in the state service for a period, and not till after the close of the great conflict did he engage in the practice of medicine.  For forty five years he visited the sick and administered for their relief.

   Dr. Price removed to Vernon county with his family March 10, 1881, and located two and one-half miles north of Nevada.  About three years later he moved near Balltown, where he resided until January 10, 1900, when he removed to Metz.  Here he continued to reside until his death.

   Dr. Price became a member of the Odd Fellows at Cambridge, Mo., forty-two years ago.  He was active in the organization of Metz lodge and became one of its charter members.  He was one of the trustees of the lodge at the time of his death.


   Dr. Price loved his family first and then his friends.  He never failed to have a kind word for every one and everyone liked him.  His pleasant and jolly disposition made him popular at all times.

   In business circles he was ever ready to work for anything to the good of our town.  In the building of the new hall he was one of the untiring workers, and doubtless it was his efforts that hurried its completion.

   Dr. Price’s place in this community cannot be filled and he will be sadly missed by all. 

   He has gone to the reward of the faithful.

The Metz Times, Metz, MO.  February 7, 1906, page 1.


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