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Sanford J. Preston


From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 510-511:

Sanford J. Preston

(Editor and Publisher of the Walker Herald).

   Generally speaking age and experience of long duration are supposed to be necessary to success and promotion in life, but occasionally one is met with whose career is so marked as to admit of nothing but success, as in the present instance.  Sanford J. Preston was born in Fayette, Howard county, Mo., April 28, 1851, the son of Sanford J. and Cassandra (Robertson) Preston, the former a native of Winchester, Clark county, Ky., and the latter of Centerville, Bourbon county, Ky.; they had each accompanied their parents to Boone county, Mo., about the year 1830, though many members of both families still reside in the Blue Grass State.  The Prestons fought with Boone against the Indians in pioneer days.  The parents of young Sanford were married in Boone county, Mo., in 1836, and to them were born six sons (four of whom are now deceased) and three daughters.  They are now residents of Howard county, where the father has held many positions of trust and honor.  By trade he is a blacksmith.  The subject of this sketch was brought up in the town of his nativity, and after attending the public schools some time he entered as a student Central College, of Fayette, where he remained closely applying himself to study for six years, receiving a liberal education.  Subsequently he worked at intervals in a printing office there -- as he had done from early boyhood -- and served an apprenticeship at the printer's trade, finally becoming a "jour" printer and being employed on the Missouri Republican, San Francisco Call, Kansas City Times, and in newspapers in both the South and West.  Returning to Fayette in 1877, he remained there about four years, then came to Walker, and after filling a position in a drug store some time he started the Walker Herald, which he has since ably edited and published.  The paper is independent in politics, laboring more especially for the interest of Walker and Vernon county than for any party, sect or creed.  It has a good circulation and is an excellent local journal.  May 28, 1882, Mr. Preston was married to Miss Minnie B. Thornhill, a most estimable young lady, born in McLean county, Ill., in 1865.  They had had two children, Frankie B., deceased, and Stella M.  Mr. P. is a Democrat.  He and his wife are members of the M.E. Church South.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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