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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 682:

Sovereign G. Popplewell, M.D.

(Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

   Among physicians throughout this county Dr. Popplewell is well known and recognized as an able and prominent member of their profession. Only recently he has located in Nevada, but he is by no means unknown here, for a residence of a number of years in Montevallo township contributed to give him an extensive acquaintance. His present abode at Nevada is for the purpose of allowing his children more favorable educational advantages than they could otherwise obtain. Dr. Popplewell can trace his descent direct from France. Sovereign Popplewell, his father, was a Kentuckian by birth, but came to Missouri in 1837, where he devoted himself to farming. His father (our subject’s grandfather), Simeon, was also of Kentucky nativity, and the son of an old Virginia pioneer. Sovereign G., the fourth of eight children and the only son now living, was born in Miller county, Mo., October 26, 1847. His mother’s maiden name was Mary Merideth, formerly from Tennessee. He grew up as a farmer’s boy, dividing his time between working on the home place and attending school, where he received a good common education. Later on, after selecting medicine as his profession, he prosecuted the study of this science with Dr. W. J. Lansdown, and subsequently attended medical lectures at the Keokuk Medical College, from which he was graduated in the class of 1876. Previous to this event he had commenced practicing in Montevallo, having gone there in 1870; and during his home in that locality he built up a patronage highly complimentary to his standing as a physician. Personally he has always been very popular and it is recorded of him that his presence in the sick room would often result more favorably than the medicines which he prescribed—a fact greatly in his favor. At this time he is the owner of 430 acres of excellent land in Montevallo township. November 6, 1873, Dr. P. was married to Miss Rebecca J. Avery, of Illinois. They have three children: William H., Annie M. and Mabel C. The Doctor is a member of the Masonic Order, belonging to both the Blue Lodge and Chapter.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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