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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 557-558:

George W. Poage

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 21, Post-office, Walker).

   Not so very far from man’s allotted age of three score years and ten, Mr. Poage has so endeavored to live that no word of reproach should ever be heard against his character; for his whole ambition has been to do his duty in every capacity—as a father, husband, citizen or friend. Progressive in all matters, he has especially taken prominent interest in the public school system of the day, and to each of his children has he given good opportunities for acquiring an education, one having been sent to Greenfield and another to Fulton, Mo. Mr. Poage is a native of Pocahontas county, Va., born April 14, 1819, the son of George and Betsy Poage, née Beard, who were also Virginians by birth. The former was an agriculturist by calling and died at the old homestead; his widow departed this life in 1868, in Daviess county, Mo. Ten children had blessed their union, 6 boys and 4 girls, and of this number George W. was the seventh child. He was reared on a farm and to the common school education which he received was added a two-years’ training at Hillsboro Academy, which he left well prepared to enter at once upon the arena of daily toil. Up to the outbreak of the war he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, but at that time, with a true spirit of Southern chivalry, he enlisted in Co. I, 19th Virginia cavalry under Col. Wm. L. Jackson, in Stonewall Jackson’s brigade. He served until hostilities ceased, taking part in almost all the most severe engagements, miraculously escaping several times uninjured when his clothes were pierced by bullets. May 10, 1865, he surrendered at Lewisburg, W. Va. Mr. Poage soon returned to his home in Virginia, from whence he came to this county in 1869. He now owns 420 acres of land, constituting one of the best improved farms in the county. In politics he is a stanch Democrat. In 1847 Miss Cornelia M. Hinchman became his wife, and to them six children have been born, two of whom survive: Fannie V. and Ida J. Mr. Poage and family are consistent members of the Presbyterian Church.

 [Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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