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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 897-898:

Isaac W. Place

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 16, Post-office, Nevada).

   That there are many good farms within the limits of this township none will deny, but among them is one deserving of more than ordinary mention—that owned by the subject of the present sketch, a man whose association with the agricultural affairs of Lake township and vicinity has extended over a period of some eight years, or nearly so. The place which he owns embraces 320 acres and has upon it improvements of a substantial character, its conduct and management indicating him to be one thoroughly in earnest in agricultural labor. Mr. Place came originally from Washington county, Ohio, where he was born August 8, 1829. His father, Isaac Place, was a native of Vermont, and his mother, formerly Elizabeth Taylor, of Ohio nativity. Twelve children were in their family, of whom Isaac was the third child. When ten years old he was taken to Jefferson county, Illinois, where he was reared on a farm, thus being occupied at the outbreak of the war, when he enlisted in the 48th Illinois volunteer infantry, and serving until the cessation of hostilities. After being mustered out he returned home and resumed his farming operations, finally coming to this county, as stated, in 1879. In connection with farming Mr. Place is also successfully engaged in the stock business, which he finds a profitable source of revenue. He has been twice married; first, in 1850, to Miss Talitha Bodine, who died in 1875, leaving eleven children: Millard Fillmore, Kansas, wife of C. Hagle; Maggie, now Mrs. Bond; Herschel, James E., Emeline, now Mrs. Kelly; Nevada, now Mrs. Shepard; John L., Thomas and Hannah, twins, and Rhoda. Mr. P. married for his second wife Miss Lydia M. Lance, a native of Illinois. There are five children by this marriage: Matilda B., Lavina, Nellie, Isaac B. and Addie.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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