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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 681-682:

Herlan Penfield

(Agent of the Missouri Pacific Railway System at Nevada).

   The subject of this sketch was born in Lenawee county, Mich., August 15, 1848, and was the youngest son and fifth child in a family of seven children who blessed the union of his parents, William and Lucinda Penfield, whose maiden name was Fulton. The former came originally from Hartford, Conn., and as an occupation in life gave his attention to farming and kindred pursuits. Most naturally, therefore, young Herlan in growing up was taught the rudiments of farm labor, a calling with which he became thoroughly familiar. After an attendance at the primary schools he entered Hillsdale Academy and also pursued his studies at Ann Arbor, receiving an education which well qualified him for teaching, to that profession his attention now being turned. For a time he taught both district and high schools, and in 1875 commenced his railroad experience in the employ of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad. In 1883 he came to Nevada, and since then has had charge of the Missouri Pacific Railway System at this point. It is but the truth to say that Mr. Penfield justly enjoys the reputation of being one of the most popular and efficient officials in the service of this company. While a favorite with the traveling public, owing largely to his accommodating manner, he attends strictly to his duties, esteeming it no task to be courteous and affable. His estimable wife was formerly Miss Mary H. Miller, of Ohio, daughter of a Methodist clergyman, Rev. H. R. Miller, whom he married December 10, 1880. They have three children: Edna, Florence and Albert. Mr. Penfield belongs to the A. O. U. W. He is also an earnest, consistent member of the M. E. Church.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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