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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 680-681:

Richard S. Paxton


   Mr. Paxton, now one of the employees of the Thornton Banking Co., but long and favorably known to the people of this county as an abstractor of titles, etc., was born in Anderson county, Ky., August 7, 1849. Richard H. Paxton his father, was a Virginian by birth, but when young he removed to Kentucky, and there became an extensive and successful agriculturist, finally dying there in 1878. His wife before her marriage was Miss Mildred Burrus, Kentucky also being her native State. Ten children were born to them and of that number Richard S., the subject of this sketch, was the fifth son and eighth child. He grew up in the vicinity of his birthplace, naturally acquiring a pretty thorough knowledge of farm life, for the greater part of his time when not occupied in school was spent in working about his father’s large homestead. Subsequently, however, he entered into mercantile pursuits, continuing to be thus occupied until 1881 when he came to Vernon county and entered the abstract business. He it is who owns the copyright of Paxton’s System of Abstracts, which requires but one book to each county, a system that has proven of no little good where used. For a short time he was in the real estate business with W. W. Prewitt, before entering upon the duties of his present position—one which he has filled since the latter part of the past year. February 17, 1870, Mr. Paxton was married to Miss Sue McAfee, of McAfee, Ky., daughter of Col. F. M. McAfee, and to them two children have been born, Frank McAfee and Pink. Mr. P. is a member of the A. F. and A. M. and the A. O. U. W. He belongs to the Presbyterian Church in which he is now serving as elder. It is in his daily intercourse with those around him that Mr. Paxton’s life is best known, for without any attempt at flattery it is true of him that his high personal qualities and characteristics have won for him many friends.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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