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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 492-493:

George W. Parrish

(Farmer, Section 32, Post-office, Nevada).

   Mr. Parrish, for many years a citizen of substantial worth in Pettis county and of no less prominence here, was born in Harrodsburg, Ky., June 16, 1823.  His parents, Jolly S. and Roxie A. Parrish, were both Virginians by birth.  The former was a brick mason by trade, and for a considerable period followed undertaking in connection with plastering at Louisville.  In 1833, upon removing to Pettis county, Mo., he purchased a farm and attended to its management until death called him away from this earth in October, 1852, having reached the age of 72 years.  His wife survived him a number of years, but finally, in September, 1875, she also died, then being 89 years old.  George W., next to the youngest in his parents' family of children, passed his boyhood days upon the home farm, enduring in common with others the hardships and trials of a frontier life.  The educational facilities of Pettis county in that early day were very meagre, (sic) but he succeeded in attending school a few months and to this primary course of instruction has added by self-application and desultory reading and study until he has become well informed concerning the current topics of the day.  When the clouds and disasters of war commenced to hover about this portion of the country, Mr. Parrish entered the enrolled militia and took part in many expeditions against the bushwhackers in Pettis and Johnson counties.  After the war closed he resumed his farming operations until 1881 when he removed to Colorado, but owing to failing health he returned to Missouri and located in Deerfield township, of this county. This continued to be his place of residence until the spring of 1884, when he purchased the homestead upon which he until recently resided, entering at once actively and energetically upon his career as an agriculturist.  He has lately returned to his former home in Pettis county.  He was married in 1859 to Miss Emira J. Marshall, a native of Pettis county, Mo., who has borne him the following children:  Eugene, a merchant in Nevada; Emmet, a tinner by trade; Elizabeth A., Ella J., and Emma F. at home.  In his political affiliations Mr. P. is a Greenbacker, though voting for men and measures rather than party. He was the collector of taxes in Pettis county for three successive terms, and during a number of years was prominently identified with that county's interests. At one time he was strongly urged to accept the nomination for county judge, but steadfastly refused.



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